Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The battle of positive thinking vs. negative thinking

By Dan Barber

Now that I’m retired I find it more challenging to keep my mind from drifting toward sadness. We all experience sadness, it is part of our existence. We all grow old and experience the loss of physical abilities as well as mental ability. We also experience the loss of loved ones who we miss dearly, but what give us comfort are our memories. If we can overcome the negatives and only remember the positives then we might be blessed with peace.

When my abilities of multi-tasking at my work declined I became concerned. To counter my lost productivity I established a set routine to ensure I completed my assigned tasks, but when that routine was somehow interrupted, I would become agitated. The interruption would cause me to repeat my routine so I didn’t miss anything. This only led me to discover that I was repeating easy tasks over and over again… I have always prided myself on providing the best services or counsel to anyone requesting my help. Being friendly, organized and a good manager of my time at work was very important. I did not want my agitated state to be foisted on anyone seeking my assistance, so I decided to retire from a job I really loved.

I write about this now, not because I am seeking any pity… that would really upset me. I am writing to exercise my brain and to maintain my positive outlook on my life and to counter the negative aspects of growing old by turning it into a positive.

I really enjoy the company of family. I enjoy just sitting back watching for any opportunity for something new to write about… for those family members reading this, don’t worry because I will only write positive things.

Part of my morning routine now is waiting for my 2-year old grandson to deliver the morning newspaper to me. I have to leave it laying in the driveway until his Mom brings him over for his morning visit so he can personally deliver the paper with, “Ers (here’s) yer (your) paper Pop Pop (grandpa).” We visit for awhile which might entail me watching an episode of Curious George with him and when he’s ready to head back across the street to his house he will announce, “I want to go to Mom’s house now,” and, “got any canny (candy)?” I have pointed out to him that “Mom’s house” is his house too. But he insists that, “No, it’s Mom’s house!” I counter with, “Does Mom let you live there also?” He replies, “Yes, but its Mom’s house.” I guess that it’s a good thing that he believes that Mom is in charge of her house. This 2-year old is a good Muse for his grandpa’s ramblings.

If I appear grouchy at times, please excuse me. I may appear that way because I’m distracted, I’ve got gas, I am trying to remember where I put my glasses, keys or coffee… or I’m trying to remember how to spell a simple word. I really enjoy making fun of myself, and if that offends someone I’m really sorry.

Life is so much better if you can fill it with laughter and positive thoughts.

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