By Dan Barber
Political journalists aren't "burning the midnight oil" in their writing craft as evidenced by the incomplete reporting below. In my opinion, omission of facts is the same thing as error if fact. It is becoming harder for people to wade through the minutia of biased nonsense in today's news media to get the real story
This would be a good idea if the investigations were conducted without political party bias. The Obama administration has demonstrated nothing but hatred toward the GOP. When he can't get his way through normal legislative work he just issues an Executive edict. Another way to govern is through the judicial branch of government by searching out a judge who might be on the side of whoever is looking for a favorable ruling. If all else fails put political pressure on a government committee that is supposed to be shielded from such pressure. Recent history also shows how the Internal Revenue Service is used by its high-level supervisors to force oppression against like-minded citizens who try to organize into "patriotic" or conservative ideals. When anyone points out how this administration is wrong, liberals accuse them of being stupid, racist, and corrupt or just mean. This threat of criminal prosecution seems to be aimed only at the Republicans as indicated in this article published in a liberal leaning newspaper. What is really going on is the Democrats are getting worried because their base is shrinking so they need to do everything possible to counter that shrinkage.
Everyone should be outraged. Here is another go at repeating the 1996 campaign finance controversy involving the Clintons and the Democratic Party allegedly accepting "donations" from the Chinese government. I also seem to remember Al Gore's attendance at a fundraising event at the Taiwan-based in. I wonder if our Internal Revenue Service took away this religious organization's "tax-free status" because of their political actions. This article glosses over the "political controversy" and fails to include the 's history of being indulged with foreign contributions to any number of political actions or causes not to mention the 's fixation on money. Perhaps they should go back to their very successful, but short-lived career, as cattle future traders.