Monday, February 23, 2015

Washington Post selects GOP Frontrunner for 2016

By Dan Barber


It seems that the Washington Post believes that Scott Walker is a viable candidate for the 2016 Presidential race. This becomes apparent because of what I read in today’s online edition. But, just in case the political and opinion writers at the paper have missed their prediction they threw in a bit of 15-year old Bush bashing, but this time the victim is Jeb Bush’s wife. To read the articles in today’s newspaper click on each headline.

Scott Walker’s cowardice should disqualify him

Dana Milbank is trying to manipulate American voters! He accuses a Presidential candidate of cowardice just because that candidate refuses to answer a STUPID gotcha question from a biased journalist.

Scott Walker’s spineless silence

This opinion in the Washington Post is NONSENSE! Walker is not SPINLESS for not answering a series of STUPID gotcha questions from BLATANTLY liberal journalists who are trying to manipulate naive Americans into accepting a false narrative. Walker is demonstrating superior intellect by ignoring, at best, stupid or at worse, DNC planted journalists.

Walker’s anti-union law has labor reeling in Wisconsin

Here is another example of a liberal media hatchet job on a GOP Presidential candidate. If Public employee unions are such a great benefit for employees then people would be flooding to them to join. When a union forces membership dues to work, then maybe it's not such a great deal.

Documents show the expensive tastes of Jeb Bush’s low-key wife

The liberal media is nitpicking for GOP scandals in the run-up to the 2016 Presidential election season. Shouldn't they be focused on where Clinton's foreign money is coming from? Sorry, I couldn’t find that story in today’s Washington Post.

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