By Dan Barber
Every four years Americans witness the clash of “The Giant
Egos” where the individual who possesses the biggest and brightest Ego with the
most money usually wins the contest to become President of the United States.
It seems the drive to become America’s Chief Executive
Officer has been corrupted by the need to “feed the greed.” I have often
wondered why anyone would want the job of U.S. President. The title carries a huge
risk. One can leave the office with a legacy of greatness, or a legacy of a looser
which is determined by a very narrow margin of the planet’s population.
I once read that some politicians and mass murderers share a
psychopathic personality disorder because they usually don’t or can’t show
empathy for the actions they take. They believe they are above anyone else,
regardless of the “optics” or the math error in the “calculus.”
Deep study of a candidate’s character is vital for Americans
to select a President who will leave office with a legacy of greatness.
Our current Commander in Chief and his family feels the need
to escape the pressure of the White House with seemingly frequent and expensive
vacations or weekend getaways such as “date nights” in New York City or for weekend
golfing jaunts in Florida or Palm Springs, Calif., annual vacations in Martha’s
Vineyard, Hawaii, or first family trips to Europe and Asia. Obama’s supporters
like to point out that George Bush spent more days on vacations then Obama.
But, they leave out the fact that most of Bush’s vacation days were spent at
his Texas home…much cheaper than flying around the country or globe on Air
Force One.
The image of our President hinges on coverage from the
institution of the media. Images of a President playing golf on an exclusive
golf course or playing in the surf on a Hawaiian beach are much more glamorous
than a President chopping weeds on a Texas property.
Will this be the legacy of the Obama administration? To me
and “my optics” Obama is a looser. I’m sure he is a very fine community
organizer for Chicago or a union lawyer, but a huge failure for not only America’s
populations, but for the world’s populations as well. Sticking one’s head in a
golf course sand trap will not make terrorism go away. Blaming any number of
problems on false political narratives (lies) or poorly produced videos will
not cure them. Creating legislation through executive fiat or using like minded
judges in the judicial branch of our government to force social change will not
fully change social norms.
Refusing to consider compromise or allow input from any
elected representative from an opposing political party in writing or rewriting
legislation can only lead to disastrous results and added expenses for many
citizens to deal with. Allowing a lazy or blindly loyal lawmaker to cast his or
her vote for a bill without even reading it is in itself legislative malpractice.
America needs a leader who will lead not follow. In this
next General Election, study the candidate’s characters before making your
decision. Do not rely on a single “sound bite” or a speech delivered by an
individual that was quite possibly written by someone else… try to balance the
photo ops with reality.
Pay attention to the candidates and leave the belly button
lint alone.
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