Monday, December 30, 2013

More new stuff is coming our way

By Dan Barber

We survived the end of our existence last year that was predicted on TV by the Mayans, Hopis and some ancient alien speculators who were sure we would all be sucked into a black hole, or the north and south poles of the earth would shift or we would be hit with a giant invisible asteroid. Remember December 21, 2012? It was the year I had a very darn good reason to delay Christmas shopping until Christmas Eve, or at least I thought I did.
This technology was used
by the local Native American
People for perhaps hundreds
of years at the Joshua
Tree National Park.

Many people are easily snookered into believing anything they read or watch on TV. “It said so in the newspaper, so it must be true… right?” Wrong, one of my favorite pastimes since I retired is scanning newspapers to find something stupid that someone wrote and then comment in the readers section about what I thought was wrong or slanted in some way. I’m currently watching the developments of that New York Times article that has come to the conclusion the Benghazi consulate attack was indeed the fault of a low budget obscure video and not at all because of terrorists. I think the White House and State Department should be very careful in cheering those “journalistic” findings.

I am very wary about any new technology, not because I’m old and afraid, it’s because I was recently no longer able to find cassette tapes for my tape recorder. I had to spend nearly a $100 bucks for a “digital” tape recorder! I’m pretty sure the technology of those “digital” tape recorders will have advanced enough in a couple of months where I can buy that same recorder for about $20.

I can’t bring myself to throw out the old recorder… it’s still good if I can just find some blank cassette tapes at a garage sale one day.

I recall when it cost over $500 for a VCR player. Now I can find a “Blue Ray 3-D” video player for about $50… videos went from Beta to VCR to DVD to Blue Ray to someplace in the clouds that I can now download to my smart phone, which by the way is to dang small for me to watch a movie on! I still buy DVDs when I’m allowed because my wife wants the Blue Ray High Definition. According to her and the movie studios it provides a better picture. I try to explain to my wife that neither one of us have good enough sight to tell the difference between a regular DVD and Blue Ray.

When I remember to turn on our wireless surround sound while watching a movie it just causes me to jump up during a movie to see who in the hell is messing around out in my front yard… it also causes the dog to start barking! My granddaughter thinks it would be a hilarious prank to buy one of those “clap on clap off” devices she could hook up to my TV while I’m watching football or baseball, which of course when I started clapping an excellent play my TV would mysteriously start going off and on!

I have made predictions in the past that have come true about some smart kid up in Silicon Valley inventing a new doodad that his marketing buddies will convince the public that they just have to have. So many people will camp out on a hard cold sidewalk for a week so they can be the first among their friends to own the new doodad that will be obsolete in just a very short period of time.

We also have a new year upon us… I’m not going to make any new year’s resolutions because tomorrow  would I forget what I resolved to do or not to do… that’s the question.

Happy New Year!

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