Saturday, March 22, 2014

Every One makes a difference to someone

By Dan Barber

Have you ever wondered, what’s your purpose in life?

Be a role model.
My purpose has been defined by my wife, children and grandchildren. Part of that purpose is to love them and to try and set an example for my children and grandchildren to follow as my parents and grandparents did for me. I witnessed my maternal grandfather, Norval Hersh, perform countless unconditional kindnesses to others over the years. He spent most evenings writing letters to everyone he knew, keeping them posted on the events of his life. When I was in the Navy I could look forward to getting at least 3 letters a week from grandpa.

My maternal grandmother, Orby Hersh, who would have turned 111 years old yesterday if she was still alive, started showing me how to be self-sufficient when I was but 5-years old by teaching me to cook. I loved helping her in the kitchen, because she was an exceptional cook. Her pantry was always full of preserved fruits and vegetables. I don’t believe that she ever bought any processed foods at the grocery store. On some weekends my grandfather would drive us out to the country in Nebraska where we would find farmers selling seasonal fruits and vegetables. My grandparents would buy a bushel full of whatever was in season for my grandmother to preserve. Sunday dinners at my grandparents house, was always a very special treat. Happy birthday grandma!

I remember my Dad getting up early every morning during his working life for the commute to his job. I never heard him complain, he always seemed to be cheerful and happy to have a job. My Mom was mostly a stay-at-home Mom until us kids were old enough to take care of ourselves then she started working at a Nursing home as a cook. She too seemed to enjoy what she was doing.

My purpose today was to take two of my youngest grandsons to Knott Sky Park, just a couple of blocks from our home here in Twentynine Palms, Calif., so they could wrestle in the grass and run off some energy. We stayed there until they begged me to take them home…it seemed that it was video-game time. 

Another purpose for me today was to be a driving instructor for a teenaged granddaughter...Then it was my purpose to unwind from an exciting white-knuckle morning by sitting by my pool while enjoying a beer and the spring weather for the rest of the afternoon.

Whenever you get the feeling that no one cares… your loved ones do, because your love for them has an effect, even if it is just a “Butterfly Effect” which in time can grow wings and give you immortality through their memories.

Take notice of people around you, be a role model or mentor in your family, work and neighborhood. Always be ready to perform unconditional kindnesses to others.

Your purpose in life is to make a difference in someone else’s life.

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