Saturday, August 30, 2014

Here is another week of news/opinion nonsense… mine or theirs you be the judge

By Dan Barber

Let’s lead with the good news

This good news story is representative of two good Christian people trying to provide medical care to less fortunate people. Then when caring for those who were inflicted with a deadly disease they themselves were infected. But through the efforts of their religious organization, private and government organizations and with the prayers of millions of people from many different religions the two American medical missionary’s lives were saved. This heroic epic has the potential to restore hope to many.

Never let a good political strategy (speech) get in the way of actually leading

Obama campaigned to be the President of the "United States" not a President of a "Red" or "Blue" state. Unfortunately he has used the differences in people as a political strategy making him the most divisive President in our history. Obama divides people not only on race but also on economic status and geographic location. The democrats will stay in power as long as they can keep their base oppressed by providing free or low cost housing, food assistance, medical care, etc. When a government takes away a person's need for personal responsibility then the government will own that person. Tone deaf... maybe. Remarkable leader... never. Inept... always.

Hey, where did this story go?

This is fun! Ms. Fuller, a Washington Post writer attempting to spin a democratic fizzle into a democratic sparkle to distract the attention of the uninformed from what's really important. Note the absence of the root cause of the governors action... trying to get rid of a convicted (while in office) drunk driving District Attorney who just happened to be a democrat.

Nero fiddled, Obama golfed, people died. This catchphrase sums it up.

Our President’s supporters and pundits must be getting exhausted in their defense of the man

Obama's supporters state that he can do his job anywhere... in DC or on vacation in Hawaii, Martha's Vineyard, or a Palm Springs golf course... really, has he done anything constructive to date? History buffs will be the arbiters of that question. From what I can tell at this point the answer is no, he's a failed president. But his minion media fail to bring him to task on that failure... they would rather blame everyone but the Obama administration for this country's troubles.

Where are the professionals when you need them?

Someone needs to tell Obama's puppeteers that the puppet president's strings are a tangled mess and the Obama Show's optics is out of focus.

If I have to prove who I am, then why not everybody else?

I believe that proving identity or citizenship to vote is a "no-brainer." When I retired from the military I still had to prove who I was just to get a job in Los Angeles... I had to show my birth certificate, social security card and another form of ID (Driver's License or military retiree ID)!

Could it be smoke and mirrors or something else?

Politicians who use "optical delusions" (lies) to win elections will quickly learn appearances or empty words are never enough to get what they promise. It takes real world experience in management to lead.

Somebody should have read the resume

It is quite possible that Obama is too inexperienced to lead. Maybe he is too afraid to lead... he is always promising that America will be relentless in taking some future action for crimes against Americans... that future action will only happen when voters select a competent and courageous Commander in Chief instead of the relentlessly afraid and inexperienced pretender president we now have.

A Freelancers Union -- Incredible, what will they think of next?

I have a question... who is the freelancers union leaders going to negotiate labor strive with? When I was freelancing I could argue with myself without the help from anyone! My biggest issue with freelancing labor was "do I earn to eat today, or do I play."

Hopefully, in this case Obama’s words will hold weight, but if recent history is a judge, probably not.

“...We are going to get to the bottom of these problems. We’re going to fix what is wrong...” Another Obama talking point promise. It sounds to me like he makes promises to the American public not because it's the right thing to do, but because it is the political thing to do.

I’m getting really bored

President Obama, your aloofness isn't working for us... you're just another boring buffoon politician.

How not to communicate

This sounds to me like the Labor Department's Public Affairs Office (PAO) lost sight of the primary mission... to keep the public informed about the work of the Labor Department. It seems the "political appointee PAO Carl Fillichio," was trying to promote himself, boost the moral of his career staff and to please his boss. Now the primary mission of this office has changed from informing the public to one of "crisis communication" to save Fillichio's behind... it's time to clean house and bring someone else on to head this office. I do like the idea of elevator posters though... when I was a government PAO I wanted to create bathroom stall posters for a captured audience.

Are favorites being courted?

Only industries favored by the democrats need to apply to conduct business in California.

Hey, I liked the tan suit

Ouch... “Don’t have a strategy yet” then why the press conference? It seems the only news out of this briefing of rehashed and trite talking points is the "empty tan suit." I do like a light colored and airy suit in the summer. I have often wondered why politicians wore dark suits when the weather is hot... was it a mandatory DC dress code? Here is a list of the talking points from this useless press briefing with my thoughts in parenthesis:

-- "I don’t want to put the cart before the horse" (meaning Obama has no idea of what to do until the polling numbers come in)

-- "...we’re about to go full scale on an elaborate strategy for defeating ISIL . . . that we’ll start moving forward imminently and somehow Congress, still out of town, is going to be left in the dark, that’s not what’s going to happen." (NATO and potential coalition partners are also in the dark, waiting for a strategy from the U.S.)

-- “it’s going to be important for Congress to know what that is, in part because it may cost some money.” (If all else fails we need to throw some money at the problem to see if that helps)

-- “there is no point in my asking for action on part of Congress before I know exactly what it is that is going to be required for us to get the job done.” (Lets go back to "don't have a strategy yet")

-- “And by the way, the American people need to hear what that strategy is.” (All I hear is a high pitched tone caused by the tinnitus in my head).

TV news should have sent Chelsea after the White House for a story

Oh darn... I will miss seeing this crack journalist "trying to tell the American story!" This just goes to show that news organizations aren't biased at all... This is just me expressing my jaded opinion in a facetious manner.

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