Sunday, August 3, 2014

My studied opinions or twisted logic

By Dan Barber


This "press release" from Washington stinks of cluelessness or "mass-manipulation." Using mass media in an attempt to shift the focus of voters will only work on the uninformed or mis-informed liberal base of the Democratic Party. The Progressives goals are to deflect blame or to reform or "deform" what is true.


Unfortunately, Obama will only do something that will benefit him... without regard for Americans or the poor children being abused by their own country's criminals/ politicians and our country's inept political leaders.

Economic paradigm shift

The LA Times article states that "Freelancers are really redefining work, creating a new paradigm." What a bunch of BS.

This is just the author’s attempt to cover the collective behinds of our political leaders and wealthy supporters. The "freelancers" I see everyday are just trying to survive because they don't have a regular job and the government "safety net" has run out for them.

I see "freelancers" early in the mornings going through residential trash cans on trash pick-up days in my community searching for anything they can turn into cash.

As for the lucky "freelancers," I see them at the bus stops every morning heading to their temp jobs as a customer relations representative, gardener, nanny, housekeeper day laborer, etc.

Wealthy democratic supporters see the border crisis as a success because thousands of new "freelancers" will be flooding the "freelance job market" which means they can offer lower wages for their "help."

Has anyone driven through a wealthy neighborhood recently? I have, the traffic is made up of luxury cars, gardeners pickup trucks towing trailers and swimming pool cleaners with their tools of trade attached to the back of their vehicles, and then there are the city buses likely full of other “freelancers” on their way to work at one of the expensive estates.

My conspiracy theory thought tells me the progressive drive to increase minimum wage is just a strategy to drive more people to the "freelancer" job market. Obama's goal to redistribute wealth from the “have” to the “have not” is just another lie... the only "wealth" being redistributed is a cut of middle-class income to the tax collector. WAKE UP PEOPLE, YOU ARE BEING PLAYED! Soon you too can have the honor of being a "freelance advertising sign-spinner" or a "day labor freelancer" looking for work on a street corner near you.

Who’s going to fix the things?

I have an idea about how to fix our government... suspend EVERY politician in DC without pay for an indefinite period of time. Then bring in our 50 state governors, lock them in the state capitol building with cots and daily box lunches that Mrs. Obama wants schools to feed to children. Tell the governors they will be released from their tasking when our government is fixed and running like it is supposed to according to our Constitution and with the approval of We The People.

No need to apologize

Obama needs to put a sock in his apology tour mouth... the "folks" he is concerned about, his folksy folks, are the same people who wish to foist their cause on the world... they are in fact pedophiles preying on young school girls who they sell into slavery to other old fat Islamic pedophiles wishing to fill their Harems. He needs to polish his Nobel Peace Prize in-between golf vacations for the next two years and allow others who can lead to lead.

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