By Dan Barber
I won’t say how old you are, but you do have a lot of miles
on you… over 60 trillion miles, and at a very high rate of speed, to boot, of
about 66,600 miles per hour.**
I do admit that I too have a lot of miles on me because
together we have been on a wild and fun ride that I would not trade for
anything. It has been a magical destiny that was possibly started even before
our parents were born, with a childhood blood brother pact our grandfathers
worked out when they were children 50 years earlier in Nebraska
before we even met in California .
This scenario is probably unlikely, but they were in fact neighbors as recorded in
the Nebraska
census of 1910…it has been fun to speculate why we were made for each other.
I hope that what I have given you over the years has
provided more happiness than sadness, more adventure than boredom and more
security than insecurity.
Whenever you are in pain I am in more pain; whenever you are
sad I am sadder; whenever you are happy I am happier because you give me
purpose to my life.
We are survivors… because we have survived emotional
turmoil; health scares; long separations because of my Navy obligations; and
the challenges of parenthood. Our emotions have calmed; our illnesses and
injuries were cured or repaired; our long separations adapted to by celebrating
holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and events whenever we could; and our
children survived to be successful adults with children of their own, that we
now spoil. All of those things could not have been possible if you were not there to take care of the family while I was away from home. You adapted and
flourished in many different cultures thousands of miles away from your
childhood home and family.
There isn’t any material thing that I could possibly give
you that is worthy of the love that I feel for you. I do promise to keep on
loving you...hopefully for eternity.
Happy Birthday and Happy 45th Anniversary!
** Based on the 93 million mile orbit of the earth around
the sun in one year at a speed of about 66,600 miles per hour.
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