By Dan Barber
When I first read about New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio’s remarks about racism going back for centuries I thought, “What
a political moron.” But after thinking about all of the media coverage of
current events I’m thinking that he might have a point.
I believe that ugly racism has been used like a weapon to
gain political status, power and comfort since the beginning of time. To understand the root cause of racism I believe that we have to look at
it through the prism of the human experience reflecting societal norms for the
survival and belief systems of the individual.
Our history has shown that wars have broken out when some
event took place to threaten the survival and beliefs of a society. Some of
those historical events having impacted the individual view of survival much
deeper by triggering the emotional need to avenge some historical wrong.
Divisive racism will end when it’s no longer used to control
societal norms.
If allowed by voters and the media
Congress will now have an opportunity to serve everyone through empowerment
rather then through the oppressive governmental controls espoused by some
Conservative leaders need to study
the past political strategies of the Progressives so they don't fall into the
same trap of misleading voters for the sake of controlling them to win
elections. Keeping people trapped in the high density Ghettos or high density
urban developments with the promise of unionized employment is an easy and
cheap way to maintain a voter base. For this reason, the Electoral College has
been established so high population centers of America does not have the absolute
power of “selecting” our President by excluding rural voters.
for Americans, with a globalized economy those high-paying union jobs are
disappearing from the rusted out factories and urban centers such as Detroit that once kept
people contained in their comfortable society.
Also by using
environmental controls, politically rather than scientifically, can and does oppress
business and employment opportunities in rural America which can drive job seekers
to high-density population centers. It is very important for the future of our
country to pay attention and not allow politicians or their pundits the
opportunity to manipulate our society, for the sake of a political party win.
Just recently leading Democrats have
announced forming a task force as a strategy to counter Republican Party
attempts to forward conservative goals for the country. Part of the Democrats
plan is to garner support from minorities who they can only control through
fear and oppression. The oppression comes from providing housing, medical care,
food, and cash aid. The Democrats do not want minorities to be self-reliant
because if that happened the progressive liberals would lose control of their
vote. As soon as the Democrats lost control of the Congress in the mid-terms
elections Obama turned up the heat on conservatives with his plan for allowing undocumented immigrants to stay
in the US
and work... Who do you think will suffer the most from this action? American
minorities and legally documented immigrants who will be competing for any
available jobs... a vicious cycle of oppression continues.
The fear
aspect comes into play when the Democrats play up the fears of the people with
the threat that mean Republicans will take away their free money, homes, food
and medical care. Conservatives will want people to get out and work for what
they get! My gosh... what a concept, self-reliance, personal responsibility,
freedom to own what you’ve earned instead of sharing what you’ve earned (taxes)
with people who don't want to work.
Just to
add to our societal scare tactics, we now have agitators drumming up the old
fears of blacks against whites and visa-versa. I hope that Obama, Reid and
Pelosi really believe in what they are doing to help people, because they don't
know any better. If they were actually manipulating people for their own
political gain, then in my opinion, they are much worse then the original plantation
owners and slave traders of old.
The enslavement of people with socialism has been shown to be a self-defeating model because it destroys the societal norms for the survival and belief systems of the individual...especially when one of the leading societal norms for Americans is freedom.
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