Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Oasis of Mara -- update

By Dan Barber

I live in the City of Twentynine Palms, California. Before it became Twentynine Palms it was known as the Oasis of Mara… I think that I prefer the Oasis of Mara name because it conjures up beauty with a mix of desert romance.

Note, the local preference is to spell out Twentynine as a single word without hyphenation… and many local citizens abhor using the numerals 29 to describe where they live, unless some creativity can be added to the title.

An ancient native leaving a clue that
rabbits can be hunted here.
The name “29 Palms” just causes some people to come here to start counting palm trees along the streets to see if it’s truly named for its number of palm trees. Some people who have come through my adopted town have attempted to attach their own view of this place by calling it “The 29 Stumps” or shortened to “The Stumps.” Legend hints that the Oasis of Mara became 29 Palms when a surveyor came upon the oasis and counted the 29 California Palms surrounding encampment of the Chemehuevi People… also probably where this group of native people received the name “29 Palms Band of Chemehuevi.

Almost since the beginning of Twentynine Palms it has always been associated with the military in some way. Following World War I it became the home to many veterans who suffered from the effects of mustard gas used in that war. At the onset of World War II the military built an air base to train glider pilots. Then with the Korean War the United States Marine Corps took over the former Army base titled, “Condor Field” to create a Live Fire Marine Corps training base. The name is now the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms.

Business people and city leaders have tried to coax people to visit this desert hideaway by coming up with slogans like “A beautiful desert oasis” or “An Oasis of Murals” another comes to mind that was once tried “The Gateway to the Mojave”… What’s wrong with the original “Oasis of Mara?”

Me doing nothing.
So many people have come to this place and at first sight think of it as a dusty desert town. We do have a lot of dust here, but there is also a lot of beauty if you look for it. I’ve heard some people exclaim that “there’s nothing to do here!” Sometimes doing nothing is a blessing. I can spend hours just sitting and enjoying the magic of nature. 

This place is a dreamscape where creative people can create with very little distraction. There are many writers, visual artists, performing artists to include musicians, actors and dancers who choose to visit or even live here. James Cagney a very successful actor in his time picked Twentynine Palms to build a small non-descript home where he could escape Hollywood to study painting with one of the old time artists who lived in the desert.

James Cagney built this house after
he retired from Acting so he could
dedicate himself to learn to paint.
I have seen famous people walking down the street here without anyone taking notice. People come here to escape the big cities. I have run into people who want big box shopping built in the area. I’m rather proud of the fact that I have to drive nearly 20 miles to get to big box store of any kind. It is an outing when my wife and I have to drive more than 50 miles to get to a mall. I tell people that if they want to be a mall rat, then they should move to a big city… because we only have desert rats out here. 

Because we are a military town we do have an abundance of tattoo parlors, massage parlors, and barber shops, which are always full because Marines have to get haircuts just about every other day. A few years ago one of our successful Inn keepers and a city booster wanted to suggest that all of the tattoo parlor owners get together and create a tattoo parlor colony and market their services world-wide because tattoos have became more common place on civilians then on military men and women (because there are now restrictions) because of good order and discipline. That sounded like a good idea to me at the time.
We do have a lot of murals.

We have one of the few
remaining Drive ins left
in the country.
It’s probably human nature to try to put a stamp of ownership on something or some place instead of just trying to blend into the environment. When I see the city lights of urban sprawl from a mountain top I cringe. When I see the hi-rise hotels and city lights of Honolulu I wonder if the weight of all that development will eventually sink Oahu below the ocean.

I hope my adopted home never changes because I love the solitude of the desert and the way it can make people become creative. One of the things I used to tell my military co-workers at the Marine Corps base was, “The longer we have you here in the desert, the easier it is to entertain you.”

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The body ages faster than the mind

By Dan Barber

I have been told that once you have learned to ride a bicycle you never forget, but that can be a dangerous thing, especially for an old man with a 20-year old mind set.

A few years back the United States Navy thought that it would be a good thing to send me back to school a couple of years before I turned 50. This was not a standard military school it was at the University of Oklahoma. Several people were picked each year from all branches of the Department of Defense and other selected government agencies like the IRS, NASA and CIA to attend and study communications theory. Each class of students numbered about 20 people.

Kaitlyn during this past season's
All Star Tournament play.
Matthew sinking a basket at
one of his Park and Rec Games.
For the three months while at the university we were all required to live in student housing. Students were were assigned to share a two bedroom, two-bath apartment with one of the other government students. The apartment complex was located in Norman, Oklahoma adjacent to the campus and the Sooners baseball practice fields. Each of my classmates and I were each lent a bicycle to use during our 3-month stay and a bus pass so we could access all facilities on the campus, and in the near by town of Norman. Some of my fellow students had cars, but I opted not to bring mine. The entire area of Norman and the university is mostly geographically flat so I used the bicycle for my transportation around the campus and into town.

During my stay there I had become more physically fit than I had been in many years. I used my bike to go to class, to go to the movies in town, the library and just for the fun of riding around the campus and in town. Some of my classmates were younger military people who thought they were already physically and mentally fit so their pastime was to visit a local bar to work on class assignments, drink beer and watch “South Park.”  I never enjoyed sitting in a bar, for me it was and is very boring and I grew out of watching cartoons when I started Junior High School. I also knew that it was not possible for me to grasp the complexities of communications theories while setting in a bar sipping on a beer in front of a TV with the channel tuned to cartoons.

At that time I was an old man in a young person's world who was being re-energized physically, spiritually and mentally in that youthful world. My atrophied muscles were growing stronger from use. My brain was also being exercised with sitting for several hours a day in class and from working on a research project. My brain that hadn’t seen the light of new knowledge in years was actually developing new ideas.

My roommate was a Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant who worked in the Commandant of the Marine Corps office. He was always running everywhere he went. Marines are like that because I think it is a requirement that they run so many miles each day. I once tried running with my roommate, but I almost died before I got out of our apartment complex. I even went to the gym with him one time, but was too embarrassed to try to lift any kind of weight. But on a bicycle I allowed myself to be transported back in time. I must have looked the site, an old grey haired man peddling around the school like a damned fool, but I didn’t care.

When reality hit me it was a beautiful warm day with the campus full of young people. I was headed back to my apartment with an arm load of books and a curb in front of me… I remembered being able jump over just such a curb many times before…when I was a kid! That is when my analogy of bike riding and being old with a youthful mind set came crashing together.

I did not damage anything except for my pride. But I’m sure that it was one of those occasions when I was the cause of a great deal of laughter. I did not
hang around long enough to notice.

Brianna at third base in high school
 fast-pitch action last year.
I now live vicariously through my grandchildren and their academic and athletic abilities. Now that I’m retired, I have resigned myself to be an observer of their adventures because I have discovered that my 15-year old granddaughter is much too scary to even play catch with anymore… she has been playing fast-pitch softball for nine years now and she has developed a very strong arm and those softballs really hurt when they hit you!

A lesson I also learned as a baseball/softball fan is to never look up when someone yells “Head’s up!” That term should be changed to “Duck” or bring a heavy duty canvas pop-up or umbrella to all games… it prevents sun-burns and concussions.

Until next time, enjoy.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

What does Heaven have in store for us!

By Dan Barber

I once opined about Heaven being partitioned based on the individual faith of people. I then started to think, “How can I be so presumptuous to know what God demands of us or what is required of people to gain entry into Heaven?”

I can pull a book out of my collection and read about what some ancient reclusive philosopher/monk thought or hallucinated about on the subject… but that would just be another opinion from a mortal. I could read the Bible, but I always had trouble interpreting what the prophets were really trying to teach.

When I was a child I attended Church and Sunday school every week. I don’t remember when I first started attending, but I do have an early childhood memory of getting ready and heading to Church with my grandparents. I also remember getting a lapel pin for perfect attendance, but I don’t remember what period of time was required for perfect attendance. I joyously participated in Christmas and Easter programs at my Church. However, I stopped attending Sunday services on a regular basis when I was about 10-years old when one of our Church ladies threatened a friend of mine and I that we would burn in hell for drinking a soda one Sunday after Services and Sunday School. I was truly frightened away from my faith by that woman.

Since that time I have thought a lot about religion. I do love the ritual of the Catholic Mass and envy those who enjoy the fellowship of Church, but I can’t dedicate myself to “the word of man or woman.” I believe Christ is the Son of God, but I have a hard time believing that he was a long-haired bearded white man as depicted in history. However, I consider myself Christian and I accept Christ as the Son of God.

Just about a year before I retired from active duty with the Navy, I got into a little bit of trouble by writing an article about a hamburger, on my own time, for a magazine.  I was charged with “conflict of interest” as a Navy Journalist and was sent to Captain’s Mast. I plead guilty to writing the article… I could not deny it because my name was on the byline. I was given “extra duty” for a period of 6 weeks for my punishment. I could have requested a Courts Martial but that would have just extended my enlistment past my planned retirement date. My commanding officer knew that I was being somewhat “railroaded” by a few individuals in my department, so with his knowledge about my hobby in theater arts he ordered that my “extra duty” to be to direct a live re-creation of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci for the base’s Catholic Chapel for the upcoming Easter services.

He ordered that I could pick the cast and he would assure they attend all rehearsals and performances. Each cast member was selected without the need of audition. I recruited my civilian community theater friends to create the set, costumes and props for the production. But because Leonardo painted Jesus as a white long-haired bearded man, I recruited a local hippy with the prerequisite hair and beard, because no one would have believed a middle-aged Navy officer wearing a wig and glued on beard as Jesus. The Easter production brought tears to the Navy Catholic Chaplain, and the congregations in the Chapel were totally silent for some time when the spot light on Jesus faded away, then the audience erupted in a standing ovation. That was my last Easter program… 26 years ago.

A short time later, I was no longer working on the command's newspaper staff I was assigned to because I thought my violation of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice voided the trust my command had in me as a Navy Journalist. But, the commanding officer surprised me by telling me in confidence that he would bless a request if I wished to moonlight at the local daily newspaper because there could no longer be a conflict of interest for me.

I put in my official request, the commanding officer approved it, and the local newspaper editor hired me as a part-time staffer, which turned into a full time job the day after I retired from active duty. That experience taught me to never doubt my own values, beliefs or behaviors and to never lose faith in good people doing the right thing as God directs.

A few years back I wrote about an experience I had with my father shortly after his death. I was feeling very guilty about my part in requesting that life support be withheld from my Dad because we thought that was what he would have wanted, until one night I had a dream when I asked my father if we could bring him back to life would he like that. He replied to me, “absolutely not, because he was having a wonderful time being able to re-experience all of the joys in his life over and over again as if for the first time.” I knew then that everything was and will be fine.

The human spirit is a mysterious and mystical thing that has infinite potential limited only by fear of the unknown. In last week’s blog I wrote about being able to feel the presence of loved ones who have passed on. They are always sending greetings, but you have to pay attention so you don’t miss those messages.

I often wonder what is Heaven… is it a place, a state of mind or a merging with God’s knowledge in all things past, present and future… a Gathering Of Data…notice the acronym GOD.

If we accept that the our loved ones never leave us just because they no longer occupy a body, then perhaps we are in fact living in Heaven with those loved ones surrounding us?

I can’t tell anyone what to believe or how to live…I only know what I believe and expect from own my behaviors. I hope to be kind; I strive to be polite and I try to always set a good example; I like providing comfort and service to others; I try not to be judgmental; I like to think that I love unconditionally and accept the love I receive with gratitude; and try not to take anyone or anything for granted.

Whenever I stray from any of my expected behaviors I immediately feel guilty and always ask for God’s forgiveness, which I think is the same thing as asking forgiveness from my self and I ask for the forgiveness from whoever my poor behavior might have hurt. I believe above everything else that being true to self is the same thing as being true to God.

I find it very difficult in believing the human interpretation of how God will reward someone for taking some action in His/Her/Our name, but then feel guilty about how I can be so presumptuous or judgmental about what others might believe.

I fail to understand how some, what I consider to be sub-human beings can be so evil as they feel a need to rape and butcher men, women and children in the name of their god (notice the lower case g) and then believe that horrific behavior will enable them to be given special treatment in their afterlife, unless that expected treatment is to burn in hell for eternity as what I believe to be waiting for them.

Some people can be treated badly in their community just because they are different. Since the beginning of human history we have been trying to fit into the societal norm with the expectations that everyone in that society will accept us as we present ourselves, even if representation is considered abnormal to the majority in that society. As long as some actions don’t physically harm anyone, why can’t we just accept our differences because I feel without color, without texture and without any differences we might have a very boring existence.

Everyday I thank God for the wonderful creation of life and strive to live up to the abilities that God has given me.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


By Dan Barber

Does my ancestors genetic memories flow through my body creating new genes with new altered genetic memories that will also course through the bodies of my descendants? What about conscious memories, can we identify those memories? I believe we can if we pay attention to the little things.

Those little things can be facial expressions, tone of voice expressing excitement, humor, happiness or sadness; and body language. Interests can also be an indicator of conscious memory signals being passed from generation to generation.

For example, when I was a child and would go out on walks with my grandfather I noticed that he would often bend over and pick up a rock. He would examine his find and if he thought it was interesting enough to add to his rock collection he would put it in his pocket, if not he would discard it. Years later when I would take a young granddaughter out for a walk I noticed her pick up pebbles to examine them. If she found them pretty enough to keep they went in her pocket, if not she discarded them.

Could that action have been caused by my beloved grandfather sending me a signal that he was still around?

When any of my brothers tell a funny story I can hear the same voice inflection they express from our grandfather’s own voice…another signal.

Just recently, I’ve noticed that when some tool or gadget I own has broken, instead of buying a new gadget or tool to replace it, like I used to do, I will try to repair the item, just as my father would try to do. Even if I spend several days to accomplish the repair, if successful I feel a great deal of pride from my accomplishment, knowing that my father would approve…a signal sent and received.

My earliest memories of events I experienced with my grandfather become my “lesson plan” that I use with my own children and grandchildren because those life lessons he passed to me are valuable and I feel that it’s important for my grandchildren to know them.

We are all individuals with our own experiences and biased memories of those life events. I have been blessed in my career because I was able to experience other people’s adventures through proxy by interviewing them and then writing about them. But, would I trade places with any of those people if I could? The short answer is “no!” The memories I have from my own existence are precious treasures to me.

For those who are searching for the meaning for their life, it is a simple search just pay attention to the little things.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

My Recent Nuggets of Wisdom

By Dan Barber

Oprah – Today’s African American protesters are leaderless

Twisting Dr. King's message and historical fact into an unrecognizable mess by Winfrey, Sharpton and Obama to fit their radical point of view is disgusting! Winfrey is right though about the African American community needing a new role model. article 1

Sony hack probably inside job

I knew there was a root cause behind my phobia of asking IT techs at my work for help in unfreezing my computer! I always suspected after they unplugged my computer from the power strip and plugged it back in and my computer magically started up again they went back to their shop and signed off on my trouble ticket as: "Problem solved on ID-I0-T ticket as operator malfunction!" article 2

Selma’ film wrong on historical facts (see article 1 above)

Only in Hollywood is it possible for blaming stupid on someone else. Perhaps instead of blaming mudslinging on someone exposing ERROR IN FACT, the writers, producers and directors should be blamed, at best for being lazy or uninformed (stupid) or at worse trying to push the liberal agenda of racism. article 3

California’s Democratic Leaders figured out how to cover deficit spending

There is reason behind the madness of our state legislature passing a law that allows digital "funny-money" like bitcoin to be legally used for transactions in the State. article 4

'Digital' Funny Money now legal for California use

"Bitcoin: Digital currencies including bitcoin are legal for transactions in California." Excellent, I will be paying my state income tax with on-line monopoly money bucks! article 5

Manipulating through communicating

What's depressing is how professional pollsters and journalists can team up to shape and influence perceptions and keep political score of how any favored or unfavored politician or political party is doing. There is a huge industry of Democratic and Republican pundits pushing whatever agenda is paying them to push. article 6

Obamacare is a huge political diversion

The only thing this law has done is reform how much more money health insurance companies can earn from tax-payer funded subsidies and requires EVERYONE to pay their "share" for health insurance. It also reduces the amount insurance companies are required to pay to healthcare providers. I predict the profits for health insurance companies will rise significantly this year and next when the employer mandate to provide healthcare insurance to employees goes into effect. Income for health care providers will drop causing shortages in all aspects of healthcare. Emergency Rooms (ER) will be slammed because they are required, by law, to accept all patients requesting care. Many private healthcare providers will be going out of business, if not already, because of a drop in income and the added government mandated cost of providing care to patients. Insurance companies win, healthcare providers lose; we the people get the bill. article 7

Tis The Season to be Married

Military personnel stationed in Hawaii since 2008 have no-doubt been put on notice that the Obama's will be in town for two weeks so be prepared to have your planned holiday leave or liberty put on hold until January so Obama can have a carefree rest and recuperation. I'm sure military members were also too busy in November to celebrate Thanksgiving because they were busy "sprucing" up areas the Obama’s might visit. There is a happy ending, but not until 2016 so military personnel need to plan accordingly! article 8

I wonder if people can use funny money to buy homes or pay HOA fees?

At best, this is a prime example of what well-meaning but clueless liberalism can cause. At worse, it's how politicians can control their political demographics by taking from the middle income workers to give to the very poor, thereby creating a dependent voter base.
This model allows an influx of super rich to the Home Owner Association (HOA) governed gated communities... gates and fences are needed to keep the undesirables (poor people and criminals) out.
Poor immigrants push out poor American citizens because they are more willing to take the domestic jobs (as described by the Obama's as "the help,") and agree to un-reported lower pay.
Plus those poor immigrants are more willing do the "hard labor" jobs in agriculture and in the service sector. But not to worry because they will be able to cash in on tax-payer provided healthcare (Medi-Cal) public housing and food stamps.

The Democratic progressives have allowed California to evolve into a "caste" society. Schools need to bring back courses in History, Social Studies and Civics in grades K-12. Also, analytical thinking along with political science, and ethics in high school should be required courses. article 9