Friday, December 26, 2014

The Human Experiment Experience

By Dan Barber

If I may be presumptuous enough, I would like to call attention to our human experiment in the social/political/environmental sciences. I would like to write down some thoughts that have been rattling around in my head off and on for a while now before they can escape again.

Recently I have noticed a lot of talk in the news about white people having “white privilege” and poor people resenting what rich people have, and self-appointed or elected leaders promising to create opportunities to redistribute wealth from the one-percent of richest people to everyone else and to make a level playing field for everyone.

How about sharing the diversity of cultures, ideas and educational opportunities for inclusion in the human condition rather then building barriers with political clichés, government interference and over-regulation that bar entrepreneurism for individuals?

Then there are the environmentalists who worry about what humans and farting cows are doing to the earth and oceans, those righteous self-appointed or elected leaders also make promises to create opportunities for scientists to clean up the environment; develop cattle food that will prevent cow gas; and to provide renewable and affordable “clean” energy and to take away people’s guns so they can’t shoot one another with them.

We also have animal rights groups who are concerned with carnivorous humans who eat beef, pork, poultry and fish; and use domesticated animals to perform some tasks for humans such as providing companionship, guiding blind people or sniffing out drugs, bombs or criminals hiding in bushes, or fetching dead ducks.

Environmental and animal rights activists butt heads over environmental and animal rights issues because huge windmills kill birds… some of which might be endangered because they are nocturnal hunters who can’t see the blades of the wind mills at night. Then huge solar farm developments in the desert, where sun shines the most, that have displaced endangered desert tortoises and other critters from their natural habitat in some areas to make room for the large solar array, to other areas of the desert with enclosed habitats for the tortoises own protection… however a problem with this idea has created overcrowding of the artificial habitats which means some of the desert denizens there have to be euthanized so a healthy population of tortoises can be maintained.

In addition, the large mirrored arrays of solar farms concentrate the desert sun’s heat on a tower which also kills birds because they fly through the concentrated heat and catch fire in flight… they do this because they mistake the mirrored fields below as a large body of water, which attract the birds wanting a cool drink. I’ve heard the workers at the solar farms call these birds “smokers” because they leave a trail of smoke as they fall from the sky to the ground.

I recently read in the news that herds of deer are overtaking the grounds at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) so they have equipped a special operating room at the NIH so they can neuter or spay the deer at a cost to taxpayers of only $1,000 each so they don’t have to euthanize any of the animals to maintain a healthy population… my question is… don’t deer also fart? And, wouldn’t it be cheaper to allow hunters to shoot a few of them each year for food?

My suggestion is to separate and isolate the political scientists from the environmental and social sciences so they don’t muddy what water we have left.

OK, I’m done.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Addressing Christmas Sprit, or Bah Humbug!

By Dan Barber

I need to apologize to family and friends for my lack of Christmas spirit this year. I can only blame myself for the absence of lights adorning my home or a large Christmas tree taking up valuable space in my living room… Yes Virginia, I’ve become a big bah humbug type of person.

My dread of Christmas cheer increases each year that I grow older. I used to believe that a miracle would happen on the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus… but that miracle has already happened at His birth. I do enjoy the happiness that my Grandchildren display during this time of year, but my dread starts to build from the time stores start stocking and selling Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa before Halloween has even passed. I would love to give my children or the Grandchildren who are old enough a nice new car with the big red bow as advertised repeatedly on TV but I can’t.

Then there are the news reports stating that our U.S. economy hinges on Holiday sales projections. Which just reminds me of the debate reported in the news about appropriate greetings during this time of year between should it be “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Hanukkah” or “Happy Kwanzaa.”

For the sake of disclosure: As a Christian my preferred greeting is Merry Christmas, but when I was a Navy Journalist I favored the government requirement of using “Happy Holidays” because it saved me from using up limited editorial space in my command newspapers, and it didn't anger anyone except for the Puritans.

When my children were young and we were stationed overseas far from family our tradition was to start Christmas decorating right after our Thanksgiving meal. My now adult children continue that tradition for their own kids.

There isn’t even the opportunity to escape from Christmas Cheer when all of my favorite TV dramas or comedies on Prime Time TV are preempted for Christmas cartoon reruns from years past…even “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” as sung by its creator Gene Autry keeps rattling around in my head until President’s Day in February.

I did give American made gifts to my Grandchildren this year… they were printed at the U.S. Mint, and I didn’t even have to fight the crowds at the mall! I just had to stand in line behind a few people at the bank who were smart enough to save up for Christmas in special interest bearing savings accounts.

I can proudly say I did my part by contributing to the U.S. Economy via my nine Grandchildren, who will probably spend their Christmas gift from me at the mall where they will buy their favorite foreign made doodad they believe they’ve always wanted. “They’re happy, I’m happy, happy, happy” as one of my favorite TV personalities would state.

I believe this year I will deflate my “self-imposed” holiday stress by attending Christmas Mass and telling Jesus, “Happy Birthday.”

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Happy Birthday and 45th Anniversary Punkin

By Dan Barber

I won’t say how old you are, but you do have a lot of miles on you… over 60 trillion miles, and at a very high rate of speed, to boot, of about 66,600 miles per hour.**

I do admit that I too have a lot of miles on me because together we have been on a wild and fun ride that I would not trade for anything. It has been a magical destiny that was possibly started even before our parents were born, with a childhood blood brother pact our grandfathers worked out when they were children 50 years earlier in Nebraska before we even met in California. This scenario is probably unlikely, but they were in fact neighbors as recorded in the Nebraska census of 1910…it has been fun to speculate why we were made for each other.

I hope that what I have given you over the years has provided more happiness than sadness, more adventure than boredom and more security than insecurity.

Whenever you are in pain I am in more pain; whenever you are sad I am sadder; whenever you are happy I am happier because you give me purpose to my life.

We are survivors… because we have survived emotional turmoil; health scares; long separations because of my Navy obligations; and the challenges of parenthood. Our emotions have calmed; our illnesses and injuries were cured or repaired; our long separations adapted to by celebrating holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and events whenever we could; and our children survived to be successful adults with children of their own, that we now spoil. All of those things could not have been possible if you were not there to take care of the family while I was away from home. You adapted and flourished in many different cultures thousands of miles away from your childhood home and family.

There isn’t any material thing that I could possibly give you that is worthy of the love that I feel for you. I do promise to keep on loving you...hopefully for eternity.

Happy Birthday and Happy 45th Anniversary!

** Based on the 93 million mile orbit of the earth around the sun in one year at a speed of about 66,600 miles per hour.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Using Racism as a Political Tool

By Dan Barber

When I first read about New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s remarks about racism going back for centuries I thought, “What a political moron.” But after thinking about all of the media coverage of current events I’m thinking that he might have a point.

I believe that ugly racism has been used like a weapon to gain political status, power and comfort since the beginning of time. To understand the root cause of racism I believe that we have to look at it through the prism of the human experience reflecting societal norms for the survival and belief systems of the individual.

Our history has shown that wars have broken out when some event took place to threaten the survival and beliefs of a society. Some of those historical events having impacted the individual view of survival much deeper by triggering the emotional need to avenge some historical wrong.

Divisive racism will end when it’s no longer used to control societal norms.

If allowed by voters and the media Congress will now have an opportunity to serve everyone through empowerment rather then through the oppressive governmental controls espoused by some progressives.

Conservative leaders need to study the past political strategies of the Progressives so they don't fall into the same trap of misleading voters for the sake of controlling them to win elections. Keeping people trapped in the high density Ghettos or high density urban developments with the promise of unionized employment is an easy and cheap way to maintain a voter base. For this reason, the Electoral College has been established so high population centers of America does not have the absolute power of “selecting” our President by excluding rural voters. 

Unfortunately for Americans, with a globalized economy those high-paying union jobs are disappearing from the rusted out factories and urban centers such as Detroit that once kept people contained in their comfortable society.

Also by using environmental controls, politically rather than scientifically, can and does oppress business and employment opportunities in rural America which can drive job seekers to high-density population centers. It is very important for the future of our country to pay attention and not allow politicians or their pundits the opportunity to manipulate our society, for the sake of a political party win.

Just recently leading Democrats have announced forming a task force as a strategy to counter Republican Party attempts to forward conservative goals for the country. Part of the Democrats plan is to garner support from minorities who they can only control through fear and oppression. The oppression comes from providing housing, medical care, food, and cash aid. The Democrats do not want minorities to be self-reliant because if that happened the progressive liberals would lose control of their vote. As soon as the Democrats lost control of the Congress in the mid-terms elections Obama turned up the heat on conservatives with his plan for allowing undocumented immigrants to stay in the US and work... Who do you think will suffer the most from this action? American minorities and legally documented immigrants who will be competing for any available jobs... a vicious cycle of oppression continues.

The fear aspect comes into play when the Democrats play up the fears of the people with the threat that mean Republicans will take away their free money, homes, food and medical care. Conservatives will want people to get out and work for what they get! My gosh... what a concept, self-reliance, personal responsibility, freedom to own what you’ve earned instead of sharing what you’ve earned (taxes) with people who don't want to work.

Just to add to our societal scare tactics, we now have agitators drumming up the old fears of blacks against whites and visa-versa. I hope that Obama, Reid and Pelosi really believe in what they are doing to help people, because they don't know any better. If they were actually manipulating people for their own political gain, then in my opinion, they are much worse then the original plantation owners and slave traders of old.

The enslavement of people with socialism has been shown to be a self-defeating model because it destroys the societal norms for the survival and belief systems of the individual...especially when one of the leading societal norms for Americans is freedom.

Friday, November 21, 2014

More Opinion and Thoughts on Current Affairs

By Dan Barber

Here is another issue of the Saturday Morning Post. Right or wrong these are my thoughts and opinions of the news stories that I’ve perused from LEGITIMATE online sources in the past week, with the accompanying links to those sources if available.

Vickers: Boots on the Ground Not Necessary for Intel in Iraq
The problem here is a lack of intelligence in the White House. Ignoring or relabeling threats to the United States or its allies for political messaging will not make them disappear, it will only make those threats more dangerous to counter for our young men and women who answer the call to protect our freedom.

Where’s Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl? (Note: Facebook would not allow me to post this on my page, I went back to the source to find the article but it had been taken down from Fox News.)

Where's Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl? You know the guy Obama arranged to have released from the Taliban in trade for 5 captured terrorists. Is Obama hoping Americans will forget this political faux pas? The Bergdahl case has been investigated by the Army to determine if this soldier was captured while taking a walk in enemy territory, or if he deserted his post in a war zone, or if he was captured while chasing butterflies.  “The work is complete and now it’s in review — that can take a while,” Kirby told reporters of the probe.

I believe White House/Chicago political operatives will let the Pentagon release the results of the investigation when they feel it’s safe to do so.

Levin backs Pentagon proposals to cut benefits
I doubt that a cut to health and housing for military and their families is a "small step!"
According to Levin, “They want very badly to take these small steps. They came in front of us, they argued very persuasively that we should do it,” he said. “I’m going to keep arguing that we should listen to the Joints Chief on this.”

Dem leadership fight frustrates veterans advocates

Another example of democrats looking out for democrats rather then looking out for the people they are supposed to serve.

Why are U.S. lawmakers making California water deals in secret?
This is how high-density population areas (democrats) can take advantage of the less populated rural areas (republicans) of the country... Welcome to DNC politics. If you don't believe me, check out the "red-blue" political map of the country.

Obama's plan of action on immigration may derail Republican agenda
This is an example of what a sore looser does. Obama is more concerned with punishing those voters who cast their ballot and those who didn't, which resulted in the GOP's huge mid-term win. It's also an example of hack journalism at the Los Angeles Times for allowing this analysis of "their hero trying to protect the poor immigrants" and those "mean Republicans who are trying to counter the Presidents actions," to be called "news."

Nancy Pelosi wields California Democrats' clout in bid to regain House
Pelosi is only interested in taking care of Pelosi. Wealthy San Francisco constituents and Pelosi supporters deserve what they get. She is a gift to the Republican Party who keeps giving and giving.

Obama to announce immigration plan Thursday

This makes sense. Las Vegas casino/hotels rely on inexpensive immigrant labor for their housekeeping and food service operations. Also, Obama can collect some donations for the Reid/Obama party of the DNC, and the weather should be nice for a couple rounds of golf.

The moral issue of climate change
Having congressional oversight of deals on environmental issues with China might benefit Americans. Perhaps before journalists bash the GOP in the Senate and Congress, for questioning Obama's actions they should Google where leading U.S. companies have their solar panels and wind turbines manufactured?...hint, look to China and Southeast Asia.

8 things you didn’t read today (but should have)
Washington Post, you forgot a couple of items that we should be reading about here today... 1. The comments from Obamacare architect about only getting the Affordable Care Act passed by keeping information from stupid voters or dumb senior citizens. 2. How Obama continues to favor the environmentalists, via giant wind turbine and solar panel manufacturers, by making deals with China without Congressional input. 3. Information about how Rev. Al Sharpton can still be an "important" adviser to Obama and still owe millions in taxes to the federal government and New York state... I know that is 3 items, but whose counting?

On eve of leadership vote, Nancy Pelosi lays out post-election strategy
Maybe someone should dump a bucket of cold water on Nancy...she could melt like her younger sister in the "Wizard of Oz."

POLL: A New Low For Obamacare
I wonder if Obamacare is bombing because of what people are seeing on Cable News... they certainly aren't seeing the video feeds of Professor Gruber, the architect of the Affordable Care Act shooting his mouth off about stupid voters and now old people not knowing what they are doing in selecting Medicare Part D in Main Stream media outlets. Network news and liberal newspapers are quickly loosing credibility and earning its moniker as "Lame Stream media" You betcha!... Dontcha think?

Executive order on immigration would ignite a political firestorm
If Obama issues this executive order it won't be to show support to undocumented immigrants, it will only represent a punishment to the American voters who took away his influence by electing a Republican legislature. It will also be another example of a policy used to divide society and will leave a mess for a future administration to clean up.


GOP leaders set sights on tax reform but fret over newly combative Obama

I get the feeling that Obama is being combative toward the Republican leadership and the American voters, not for any ideological reasons, but he wants to punish everyone because his policies have failed miserably and his ego will not allow him to be reasonable.

Hagel announces strategy of innovation to thwart risks to U.S. military superiority
The only way to remain strong is to stay strong as a deterrent rather then wasting money chasing our tail around the planet in an attempt to lead from behind... which is Obama's legacy. This President has no clue when dealing with foreign affairs... SEIU bosses can't help him with that.


Feds in agencies that deal directly with money tend to donate to GOP

Does Mr. Davidson read his own newspaper? If he did he would discover that our government leaders must always check with union bosses before they can take any management actions (See patent office employee fraud story lead in this section). Also, thanks to Obama government workers were subject to a pay freeze for three years. It is clear that our elected democratic leaders are owned by the unions. (See next comment and article)


Will patent office managers monitor their staffs to stop fraud?

Government officials need to check with union bosses before they can manage government services! Elected leaders need to rewrite labor laws.

Obama's Asia tour relaunches his efforts on 'legacy' issues
A huge threat to the United States is to allow Obama to speak to other world leaders. Obama is no great leader, he is without a doubt the most inept, dishonest and egotistical President we have ever suffered. The best thing anyone can ever say about him is that his heart was in the right place, but his brain was missing.

Obama: We didn't mislead on health care bill
Hey Obama, if you didn't mislead the people on your pet project, how did you get it to pass? Oh yeah, I remember you debated the law with all of your democratic supporters... Nancy (it must be passed before we can tell what's in it) Pelosi and then there is Harry Reid who feels that he is the only thing standing in the way of his Democratic Senators from going to ruin. He does this by not allowing them to represent their constituents by voting on any laws unless he says so and they only vote the way he tells them. Barry, weren't you the chief misleader with all of your promises and then denials?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Here is another week of news/opinion nonsense… mine or theirs you be the judge

By Dan Barber

Let’s lead with the good news

This good news story is representative of two good Christian people trying to provide medical care to less fortunate people. Then when caring for those who were inflicted with a deadly disease they themselves were infected. But through the efforts of their religious organization, private and government organizations and with the prayers of millions of people from many different religions the two American medical missionary’s lives were saved. This heroic epic has the potential to restore hope to many.

Never let a good political strategy (speech) get in the way of actually leading

Obama campaigned to be the President of the "United States" not a President of a "Red" or "Blue" state. Unfortunately he has used the differences in people as a political strategy making him the most divisive President in our history. Obama divides people not only on race but also on economic status and geographic location. The democrats will stay in power as long as they can keep their base oppressed by providing free or low cost housing, food assistance, medical care, etc. When a government takes away a person's need for personal responsibility then the government will own that person. Tone deaf... maybe. Remarkable leader... never. Inept... always.

Hey, where did this story go?

This is fun! Ms. Fuller, a Washington Post writer attempting to spin a democratic fizzle into a democratic sparkle to distract the attention of the uninformed from what's really important. Note the absence of the root cause of the governors action... trying to get rid of a convicted (while in office) drunk driving District Attorney who just happened to be a democrat.

Nero fiddled, Obama golfed, people died. This catchphrase sums it up.

Our President’s supporters and pundits must be getting exhausted in their defense of the man

Obama's supporters state that he can do his job anywhere... in DC or on vacation in Hawaii, Martha's Vineyard, or a Palm Springs golf course... really, has he done anything constructive to date? History buffs will be the arbiters of that question. From what I can tell at this point the answer is no, he's a failed president. But his minion media fail to bring him to task on that failure... they would rather blame everyone but the Obama administration for this country's troubles.

Where are the professionals when you need them?

Someone needs to tell Obama's puppeteers that the puppet president's strings are a tangled mess and the Obama Show's optics is out of focus.

If I have to prove who I am, then why not everybody else?

I believe that proving identity or citizenship to vote is a "no-brainer." When I retired from the military I still had to prove who I was just to get a job in Los Angeles... I had to show my birth certificate, social security card and another form of ID (Driver's License or military retiree ID)!

Could it be smoke and mirrors or something else?

Politicians who use "optical delusions" (lies) to win elections will quickly learn appearances or empty words are never enough to get what they promise. It takes real world experience in management to lead.

Somebody should have read the resume

It is quite possible that Obama is too inexperienced to lead. Maybe he is too afraid to lead... he is always promising that America will be relentless in taking some future action for crimes against Americans... that future action will only happen when voters select a competent and courageous Commander in Chief instead of the relentlessly afraid and inexperienced pretender president we now have.

A Freelancers Union -- Incredible, what will they think of next?

I have a question... who is the freelancers union leaders going to negotiate labor strive with? When I was freelancing I could argue with myself without the help from anyone! My biggest issue with freelancing labor was "do I earn to eat today, or do I play."

Hopefully, in this case Obama’s words will hold weight, but if recent history is a judge, probably not.

“...We are going to get to the bottom of these problems. We’re going to fix what is wrong...” Another Obama talking point promise. It sounds to me like he makes promises to the American public not because it's the right thing to do, but because it is the political thing to do.

I’m getting really bored

President Obama, your aloofness isn't working for us... you're just another boring buffoon politician.

How not to communicate

This sounds to me like the Labor Department's Public Affairs Office (PAO) lost sight of the primary mission... to keep the public informed about the work of the Labor Department. It seems the "political appointee PAO Carl Fillichio," was trying to promote himself, boost the moral of his career staff and to please his boss. Now the primary mission of this office has changed from informing the public to one of "crisis communication" to save Fillichio's behind... it's time to clean house and bring someone else on to head this office. I do like the idea of elevator posters though... when I was a government PAO I wanted to create bathroom stall posters for a captured audience.

Are favorites being courted?

Only industries favored by the democrats need to apply to conduct business in California.

Hey, I liked the tan suit

Ouch... “Don’t have a strategy yet” then why the press conference? It seems the only news out of this briefing of rehashed and trite talking points is the "empty tan suit." I do like a light colored and airy suit in the summer. I have often wondered why politicians wore dark suits when the weather is hot... was it a mandatory DC dress code? Here is a list of the talking points from this useless press briefing with my thoughts in parenthesis:

-- "I don’t want to put the cart before the horse" (meaning Obama has no idea of what to do until the polling numbers come in)

-- "...we’re about to go full scale on an elaborate strategy for defeating ISIL . . . that we’ll start moving forward imminently and somehow Congress, still out of town, is going to be left in the dark, that’s not what’s going to happen." (NATO and potential coalition partners are also in the dark, waiting for a strategy from the U.S.)

-- “it’s going to be important for Congress to know what that is, in part because it may cost some money.” (If all else fails we need to throw some money at the problem to see if that helps)

-- “there is no point in my asking for action on part of Congress before I know exactly what it is that is going to be required for us to get the job done.” (Lets go back to "don't have a strategy yet")

-- “And by the way, the American people need to hear what that strategy is.” (All I hear is a high pitched tone caused by the tinnitus in my head).

TV news should have sent Chelsea after the White House for a story

Oh darn... I will miss seeing this crack journalist "trying to tell the American story!" This just goes to show that news organizations aren't biased at all... This is just me expressing my jaded opinion in a facetious manner.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Am I wasting my time?

By Dan Barber

I just misspent another week wasting my life reading news articles about people killing other people while our President vacationed at Martha’s Vineyard. I watched televised images of a smiling Obama on the golf course while parents were mourning the death of their children.
There are much more enjoyable things to do then read 

about politics and politicians... there is always star gazing.

I just read an article written by “alleged” Associated Press journalists about how Obama deserves his vacations because he is such a hard worker, and he can still perform the duties of his office during a vacation or game of golf… even going so far as to compare the number of vacation days spent away from the White House with past Presidents.

They also pointed out that President Eisenhower, a Republican, played 800 rounds of golf during his presidency as compared to Obama’s mere 200 rounds of golf to date. To give those AP journalists credit, they did mention that George W. Bush stopped playing golf when there was in increase in the number casualties of Americans fighting in Iraq.

They also failed to mention that President Eisenhower had a much more vast background in management. He was responsible in managing America’s victory in Europe during World War II. To a lesser degree they failed to mention Bush’s background in business and state level executive elected office as governor of Texas before running for President. Obama’s background as a union/community organizer, Chicago politician and mostly absent state senator from Illinois for one incomplete term can’t compare to the qualifications to any U.S. President, democrat or republican in history. But it does explain his ability to conduct work with union/political cronies on a golf course

The most danger we face as a nation is not from inept politicians but from the death of objectivity and ethics in our country’s media. The real business of the news media is not honest journalism the real business is selling advertising space or time. Advertising rates are set by the number of readers, viewers or listeners. Sensationalism draws in the audience and because of that it takes me many hours of reading and watching news reports to try to get to the true story, or root cause of an action that caused interest in the news story in the first place.

My judgment of what is true or bull stool is based on my educational background as a military journalist, common sense, and our country’s history. When I was in school the most serious sin to commit was an “error in fact” which could have caused a failing grade… spinning, or twisting a fact in one of my military journalism classes was grounds for automatic dismissal from the school.

Our Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press. But, with this freedom comes great responsibility to be honest. Unfortunately the reports that I have seen from news organizations today indicates that honest news reports are dishonestly biased.

To be honest, I lean to conservatism… I want people to possess personal responsibility don’t just take my word for it.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

What I learned from the media this week

By Dan Barber

A problem with our society

A rush to judgment caused by prejudice causes undue pain for every American. Another young man is dead and another mother, family and friends are in mourning. Every American should be in mourning. We need to take a break from our differences and stop blaming each other for those differences and come together to try and find answers to the root cause of our prejudice so future pain for all of us can be avoided. People with legitimate concerns try to bring those concerns to the attention of the country with peaceful protest as others with nothing but criminal contempt of the community drown out everything.

Mob Rule

Allowing the unions and disingenuous elected officials or inept senior managers and political appointees to run our government can only lead to corruption of the system.
It's a known fact that this business model allows the "soldiers" of a mob family to be paid for "no-show" jobs. Obama is using his administration to further award his loyal supporters in the various government departments. This is why there are management problems at the Veterans Administration, Internal Revenue Service, Health and Human Services, Environmental Protection Administration, State Department, etc. According to this article the Obama administration wants to create more "no-show" jobs by expanding this business model, "The agency’s telework system has served as a model for the Obama administration, which has sought to attract talent by extending similar programs to many corners of the government."

Someone needs to buy some more paper shredders?

I wonder if the Office of Management and Budget director is briefing Obama on a Martha's Vineyard golf course that the wheels on his administration is about to come off? "The top members of the House and Senate oversight committees have come out in support of the inspectors general who raised concerns last week about timely access to agency records during investigations."

Legislating from the bench see (Bringing Trumped up Charges) below

It would be nice if we could get politics out of judicial selections, unfortunately the separations of our judicial and legislative branches of our government are forever blurred. It's a constant issue when a law is passed by any state or federal legislation that is unpopular with a vocal group then all that group has to do is find a sympathetic judge to overturn or stall enforcement of that law, ergo... legislating from the bench... Politics 101.

It’s good work if you can get it

Federal agencies spend millions on union business... Business model established by organized crime to award loyal "soldiers."

Moronic idea speaks for itself

Study: 'Cash for Clunkers' an even bigger lemon than thought... Duh.

Excuses are like belly buttons… everyone has one

Wow... am I missing something? Wasn't this woman the Secretary of State? This is typical political BS from a former lawyer and a failed author with a serious sociopathic personality disorder and a habitual liar. I believe the DNC should put their money on another candidate in 2016. Hillary should go back to investing in commodities... she was once very successful, according to her, at doing that when she turned a $1k investment into $100k in a very short period of time.

Where have all the promises gone?

"Don't do stupid s---." I'm sure that many Obama supporters are wondering how in the world they could have done stupid s--- when they voted for this moron. The world is on fire, Obama's most ardent supporters, African-Americans still face an unemployment rate twice that of Whites. Wealthy people are getting richer... just ask Hillary. I'll bet that even when Obama is old and long retired from politics and pulling down millions a year for speaking engagements he will look back on the ruin he caused and say "who cares, what difference it makes?"

How not to become a successful leader

Covering thy behind with assumption and deflection of blame is the hallmark of the Obama administration and his liberal pundits. Decisions made in 2003 were made at the time with the knowledge available then... I don't believe the Bush administration employed star-gazers or fortune-tellers to predict the future. Fast forward to now... Obama's troubles in the Middle East are predictably caused by ignorance and failure to learn from history on behalf of his administration. Even Obama stated that Iraq was an American success story... no need to stay, leave the Iraqi's on their own. No, I don't believe we are "paying for Bush's 2003 invasion of Iraq" we are paying for Obama's failure as a leader and his many golf/DNC fundraisers and family vacations.

‘Mirror, Mirror on the Wall’

The president apparently has to order all mirrors removed from the White House, because as with the rest of Americans he no longer likes his own image as his "optics" are completely distorted. For someone who has been touted to own a giant intellect he has only proven that he is in fact very small minded.

Let’s all go to the beach

California Coastal Commission should do what the federal court says it can do, take the property (roadway), through purchase at fair market value, to allow access through eminent domain. This is a process where the government can take private property for the public good. Anyone who restricts public access could and should face this risk regardless of political connections.

Can I see your ID?

Isn't this a conundrum for the Obama administration? People are required to prove citizenship to receive health coverage, but Obama and his pundits don't want people to have the same requirement to vote?

White House wasn’t responsible

Wow, an Inspector General report allowed to be made public when it favors or clears the White House or Obama's political appointees of wrong doing! This is why the Obama administration is a huge failure.

Legitimacy test failure

The Washington Post is trying to give Aaron Blake, a political blogger, cover for a non-story about what the Republicans should or shouldn't do when it comes to the oversight of Obama and his administration. According to an article in the Washington Examiner,, points out that Blake's charges against the Republican's plan is a farce.

A part-time presidency

Let's see, since taking office in 2009 Obama has rented a home on Martha's Vineyard each year. Every Christmas he and his family also vacations in Hawaii. His wife and her entourage of friends and family vacations separately in Hawaii, Communist China and Europe. According to records Obama has taken 15 vacations in 6 years for 2.5 vacations each year. He has also played 135 rounds of golf. We don't know how many rounds of golf he has played while on official fact-finding, Hamburger chomping, beer tasting, DNC fund-raising trips, etc. Congratulations to Obama supporters... you've picked a WINNER! NOT...

Connect the dots

When senior civil service managers and political appointees demonstrate inept management or nepotism, We the People suffer the consequences. I would bet the farm that if investigators tried to find out what the connections were between the "contractors" and the people who hired them, that information would be "classified."

Who can we trust?

This article is rich... I never have to read "fake news" sites to discover the stupid s--- that politicians of any ideology perform to cheat the people of honest representation. The problem with "real news" sites is they often employ biased hacks who are "fake journalists." The real threat to We the People are dishonest or inept politicians who mis-lead or lie to stay in power.

Who is regulating the regulators?

This is very confusing... why does a "regulator" who should be a senior government employee require a fund-raising dinner in the first place. Isn't the job of a "regulator" to regulate or enforce the rules of law as set forth by our government? Isn't the monthly cut of income tax taken from every working or retired American enough to run that agency? Also, this is another example of why we currently pay way too much to cable TV monopolies.

Learning something new 5 years later

I finally discovered why my official request to use a specific software product that would have reduced my work-load by at least 25% went unanswered! In 2009 I updated my command's closed-circuit television (cctv) system. Even after extensive research and getting approval on each step of the purchase and installation of the cctv system, I was constantly rebuffed on using the proprietary software to program the cctv directly from my desktop computer. I was forced to work around the problem by doing all of the programming of training/informational videos from a lap-top computer. Thank goodness I retired from the government last year! The American taxpayers should sue this woman to recoup the lost tax dollars she caused in her position.

Those darn foreign journalists

Example of greed's triumph over political ideology.

Bringing Trumped up Charges

Liberals claim the media is not biased. Here is an example of media bias. The Washington Post headline gives the impression that Perry is a serious crook. What the headline doesn't say is Perry was trying to get Rosemary Lehmberg a democrat and the district attorney for Travis County, which includes Austin, the state capital, to step down after she was arrested last year for drunken driving. The article did state in the body, "Lehmberg pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated — an open bottle of vodka was found in her car — and was sentenced to 45 days in jail." Another hint at biased reporting stated that "...Perry has been crisscrossing the country to promote Texas’s economic climate and to poach businesses from other states..." The word poach in this usage means to trespass on another's territory to illegally take, in this case, business, ergo to create jobs for this governor's state. What do you want to bet the liberal media will take this to the spin cycle to paint all conservatives in a bad light?

Someone needs a vacation from vacation

All those darn U.S. and world disasters keep interfering in Obama's vacation. The article mentions "first lady Michelle Obama sped past reporters on a bike path in Manuel F. Correllus State Forest, a roughly 5,000-acre (2,000-hectare) reserve. The president, biking next to his older daughter, Malia, and wearing sunglasses and black workout clothes, followed." Is it possible that Michelle is becoming embarrassed to be seen with her husband?"

Saturday, August 9, 2014

My observations of current affairs

By Dan Barber

An Intelligent Administration

Finally! A speech writer on the White House staff created something for Obama to deliver to the media that actually makes sense, (he or she wrote)... “The world is confronted by many challenges. And while America has never been able to right every wrong, America has made the world a more secure and prosperous place. And our leadership is necessary to underwrite the global security and prosperity that our children and our grandchildren will depend upon.” 

Unfortunately, Obama has deteriorated the trust in that leadership to the point where it is close to non-existent and the freedom loving people of the world are fast running out of HOPE.

We need a bigger Gitmo

Oops... Obama's foreign policy failure! What was his college grade-point-average? That information is classified, we will never know.

Immigration Reform or support of human trafficking

Despicable "scum-lords" also enslave and trap people to work for little or no wages as nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, agricultural workers, sweat shop slaves, etc. Where do you think the scum-lords recruit their slaves? 

This slave trade is still alive and thriving at our weak borders and is being enabled by some elected leaders by "secretly" transporting people around the country to fill the scum-lords needs.

A play on words

"Few experts think the lawsuit will survive judicial scrutiny, and few House Republicans actually want Obama to enforce his healthcare law." 

What in the world does "few" mean? Does it mean that "many" experts think the lawsuit has merit? Does "few" House Republicans mean a lot of Republicans want Obama to enforce the law? PLEASE STOP TRYING TO SPIN THE MESSAGE! 

Please Mr. President, take a long vacation, I for one want you to twiddle your thumbs, that way you aren't doing something to screw up our country any worse then you already have, and you won't be costing us more money on your golf/fund-raising/vacation trips...

An “Optic” failure

This is a formula for career disaster. I wouldn't want to be the officers involved in this investigation because they will be damned by their Commander in Chief Obama or the rank and file of all personnel in the Department of Defense for whatever decision they come to.

I wonder why we need any Inspector Generals if they can’t inspect

‘Serious limitations’: Gov’t watchdogs unite in letter slamming Obama administration transparency... maybe someone should contact the Federal Transparency Agency to find out what's going on? Oh, wait a minute that agency created by the Obama Administration was in "USA Today" yesterday because they can't account for $619 billon dollars.

Our real danger

The most dangerous thing facing our country and the rest of the free world right now is the amateurish administration of Obama... it will take America and the world decades to recover from it.

Recycling business in California is booming

"In California, continued high unemployment and rampant underemployment have driven many into freelancing, contract work or launching small start-ups." There is that "freelancing" word again as in people being forced into freelancing as searcher for recyclables to covert into cash. Our elected leaders (losers) are doing a bang up job for Californians! NOT.

Who Is keeping the (transparent) invisible accounts?

This is a perfect example of what’s wrong with the Obama administration.

Example 1 of stupid

Dem lawmaker uses German Luftwaffe uniform to portray US Navy in campaign mailer... we have inept politicians as our leaders.

Example 2 of stupid

It is quite possible that Obama can't delegate because he does not possess the necessary executive skills to do so.

Racism is really stupid… so is liberal bigotry

This liberal bigot hatefully opines that all of today's republicans are racist! Using the past actions of dead republican presidents, according to his analysis, as proof. If Mr. Cohen were honest about his study of our political history he would have included the actions of all presidents to include our current president, the first "official" African-American president, sorry President Clinton but you are in fact considered "white." Cohen should also be honest about what the democrats have actually done for African-Americans who suffer with unemployment rate twice that of whites. Also, what did the democrats do for Detroit? In my opinion this is just another attempt by a liberal columnist to maintain control of political power at all costs and without honest regard for the people they claim to champion.

“It depends on the definition of it”…Bill Clinton

"Pedantic" is just another way for Obama to claim plausible deniability when called on about making a stupid decision, or not being able to make any decisions. Also, the Obama lies can be excused by the "truth" hidden in the details. The puppet masters are working hard to keep their puppet dancing on the world stage. I wonder if Obama's golfing buddies also allow him to cheat at golf while looking the other way.

Concentrating the power of the vote

Allowing the interstate compact would further concentrate political power in the high population centers... if you notice the nation's red/blue states show that democrats already control those high population centers. The dems want to guarantee their hold on political power by forcing rural America to go along with the voting decisions out of high density population centers of the country. The purpose of the Electoral College in presidential elections is to protect voters in rural America.

You think?

These are dangerous times being made more dangerous by our amateur president.