Wednesday, March 11, 2015

More “Funny” Political Headlines

By Dan Barber

Obama figured he better try to put out the fires caused by his lack of leadership. I am confused, is he leading from behind or is the “behind” trying to lead. Veterans are still not his priority as evidenced by a previous snub and this real reason for the West Coast visit, according to the White House press office, "This time, Obama is visiting after a stop at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser and an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show in Los Angeles." The secret service should make sure all local golf courses are free of paparazzi to prevent further embarrassment to our President.

My goodness, is Clinton admitting that she isn't very smart? “Looking back, it would have been better for me to use two separate phones and two e-mail accounts,” Clinton said. “I thought using one device would be simpler, and obviously, it hasn’t worked out that way.” Perhaps she should have checked with other Obama administration cabinet members on how to use an alias email address to hide communications. Even failed bank robbers look back and say, "It might have been smarter to wear a better disguise."

The Obama administration's supporters and pundits must be exhausted in their attempt to defend a promised, "most transparent administration in history," that has turned out to be as clear as mud. Even our President does not know what is going on until he reads about it in the news!

Even a very small minority can move the majority if they have a very shrill and loud message, a ticked off infant screaming in the middle of the night comes to mind.

It is payback time for the IRS thanks to Lois Lerner’s “lost emails” or Hillary's use of her exclusive personal emails.

When Hillary comes out of the “server” closet, it's not what you'd think. It's likely because she is hiding evidence.

Now I understand why Bill Clinton is attracted to Hillary... she is a magnet for women and girls to his cause. I wonder if the real reason for Clinton’s private computer server in their home was to keep Bill’s internet searches private?

Whaaaat? One benefit of legalizing marijuana for recreational use will be a major decline in the recent Glaucoma epidemic.

You think? But as long as they are voting for the appropriate party (Democrats) it's probably OK.

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