By Dan Barber
The following articles were all found in today’s online issue of the Washington Post! The newspaper’s journalists, bloggers, and columnists are doing a “bang up job” and deserve our never ending respect for such wonderful investigative reporting.
My goodness, I have been laughing so hard after reading these articles in the Washington Post my sides are aching! Who would have thought the government would have struggles with technology? And they want to regulate the internet?
Obama should have called him as soon as he saw the report on FOX News! I'll bet Hillary sent him the email notice from her personal account, but I doubt we will ever know for sure!
Here is all the proof we need that we are having climate change... see it's raining! I swear, don't you feel the drops? Where is a Marine with an umbrella when you need one?
I knew it! During my 20 year career in the Navy I was constantly buying new uniform styles because I was convinced some knucklehead in Washington DC was constantly tinkering with the uniform styles to make rich people in the Uniform manufacturing trades richer... we went from the old fashioned Dixie cup hat and crackerjack uniforms to the "Taxicab" hat with coat and tie uniforms back to the Dixie cup hat and crackerjack uniform... even the female Sailors get to wear the crackerjack uniform now. What is really SPECIAL is the “cammies” the Navy came up with "blueberry" speckles so it will make it harder to spot an overboard Sailor! According to the Washington Post the PROOF HAS BEEN CITED, “The administration announced that the federal government is joining with the private sector to direct nearly $500 million toward manufacturing-focused initiatives, including a new, textiles-focused manufacturing institute competition led by the Department of Defense.”
Wait... I'm confused Obama took an action because Bush did it first? Or Obama agreed with an action that Bush took because it made sense to keep the actions of the Administrative office of the White House free of public scrutiny? It seems that the pressure of the office is too much for a Community Organizer to keep track of his organization.
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