By Dan Barber
From The Daily
Signal -- I wonder if this ruling will prevent the expression of "free
speech" on a cake any couple may not like. Hint to cake decorators, you
may want to charge a non-refundable deposit...
From the US
News & World Report -- American's can cease the use of gasoline and diesel
fuels. Warming their homes with heating oil, coal or wood-burning stoves and
fireplaces; eliminate nuclear, natural gas, hydro or coal-fired electric power
In addition, all the large population centers in the US can tear up
the entire concrete and blacktop surfaces to expose earth that can soak up
rain. People can cover large swaths of desert with solar panels or wind
turbines. Abortion centers can step up future population control, but none of
that espoused by progressive liberals will change or alter the global climate.
It seems to me that changing the talking point to alter the
political message to fit any political platform will only expose ignorance. For
example, Global Warming to Climate Change; Illegal to Undocumented; Terrorist
to Muslim Extremist to Syrian/Iraqi/Iranian/Yemeni/Libyan rebel or protestor;
Strong-armed robbery to a shopping Gentle giant; Thug to Young man; Unborn baby
to Research Tissue.
What America
needs it a leader, not a talking point editor/reader who threatens about crossing
a red line but does not follow through on the threat?
From The Washington
Post -- Here we go again, an inept Obama administration trying to blame Bush or
alter history to justify stupidity.
From the New York Times -- We might be seeing history in the
making... the first democrat under indictment for treason winning the primary
From The Hill -- As an old man, my memory is fading fast,
but not fast enough to not remember reading an article about the Clinton's
getting a financial boost to their foundation/income in the New York Times Cash
Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
From the Army Times -- This is the result from years of progressive liberalism. I
would love that if my grandchildren chose to serve in the military the most
serious threat they could face on a sterile battlefield would be to sprain an
ankle by stepping in a hole. However, that would never happen, I would hope the
Army would train them to not worry about stepping in a pile of horse crap, but
to worry about stepping on a land mine! Whatever happened to adjust and overcome?
From The Washington Post --
Clinton 's
strategic release of her e-mail server to the FBI rather than Congress will
give her cover. Since the Progressive Liberals have been in control of the
Executive and Judicial branches of our government with blind media support our
government leaders have gotten away with a lot of criminal behavior and overt
support of the perpetrators.
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