Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Dissection of Politics

By Dan Barber

Here is some new analysis of news stories that I have collected over the past couple of days… I will include a link to the news story and source then my commentary.

I only peruse articles from reputable news organizations. I chose to stop subscribing to and reading one major Los Angeles newspaper. That print publication has consistently censored my honest critiques in their reader comments section of the publication. I never used personal attacks or vulgarity therefore I can only assume they are afraid of what I have to say or I am spot on accurate to point out their style inaccuracies or journalist biases. With that in mind, I can no longer trust that newspaper to provide honest reporting. Besides, agree or disagree with me it does not matter, but don't censor my honest opinion.

Lawmakers petition Obama to investigate Marine officer's dismissal

MARINE CORPS TIMES -- Is it OK for Clinton to use personal email for convenience while serving as Secretary of State, but a punishable offense for a Marine Corps officer to use personal email in an attempt to save the lives of Marines in Afghanistan! 

President: ObamaCare finishes job started by Medicare, Medicaid

THE HILL -- Obamacare is not health care, it is health insurance. Large health insurance companies and their shareholders have joined in with the government operated by the Obama administration to collect health insurance premiums from everyone and to pay out less to health care providers to give that health care. In addition, if there are any shortfalls to those large health insurance carriers the government will pay them for the shortfalls. Obamacare requires everyone to pay their premiums for health care or be fined by the IRS, and if people can't afford to pay the premiums to the large health insurance companies, not to worry, the government will pay them for you.

Obama tells liberals: I can't carry Iran deal on my own

THE HILL -- Obama needs this Iran deal to go through so he can have another false narrative to boast about his foreign policy legacy. The problem is the Obama administration has not eliminated the terrorist threats that Iran supports and our country still faces. Hint, just removing the term "terrorists" from the administration's talking points and mainstream news reports does not remove the threat. Fortunately for our country a majority of our citizens know this fact.

What's considered 'classified' is a judgment call

ASSOCIATED PRESS -- Apparently Clinton's judgment is to put her interests above the security of the United States. Ask the 20 plus million government employees whose personal information was hacked by the Chinese about the importance of protecting classified information?

Clinton charity donors surge amid Hillary Clinton's campaign

ASSOCIATED PRESS -- Who wants to bet donations and speaking engagement fees, will plummet once Clinton fails in her bid for the nomination or loss in the presidential election... she will be worthless to “donors.”

Problems Plague System to Check Gun Buyers

NEW YORK TIMES -- New York Times is your newspaper really morally bankrupt at worse or totally uninformed as best! Why would you use a photo of a military funeral, as an illustration, to support your anti-gun article... are you trying to tell a story that military personnel should not be armed because they are dangerous? This funeral depicted in your paper was for the Marine who was killed by the Muslim extremist in a Tennessee recruiting station that had a sign on the door banning the carrying of weapons!

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