By Dan Barber
People have been searching for the meaning of life in many different ways for eons. Before
the creation of civilizations with societal rules, one of our ancestors
discovered that they could use a rock as a tool to crack open nuts and smush up
fruit, vegetables and berries for the toothless old clan grandpa… the birth of
the stone-age.
Then someone got tired of just eating veggies, nuts and
berries so they added meat to the diet. If anthropologists have it right, this
act caused our ancestors brains to grow a bit larger... life once again got a
little easier. A new method of food preparation probably happened when someone
accidentally dropped the leg of Ground Sloth into the boiling hot springs outside the cave. By the time
they found a stick big enough to scoop it out of the scalding water the meat
was cooked, and it tasted better after soaking in the hot springs.
It was then discovered that you could tie the rock tool to
the big stick to give a little more power in cracking bigger nuts, and cooked
sloth bones to retrieve the high protein marrow. The larger brain led our
ancestors to invent even better tools with the sloth bone splinters, and according to
the experts in evolution, our ancestors were now able to speak, and started
thinking in the abstract… life again got a little easier.
Then we started speeding along the evolutionary path
through the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Middle Ages, Dark
Ages etc.
Presently we are in the Silicon Age… I don’t know if life
got any easier, but definitely more complicated. In my humble opinion, life is ever
evolving in many different ways in every second of every minute of every hour
of every day.
Some might define their existence
by the quality of their life… they measure their meaningful being by their
skill in obtaining money or material things. Others search out the spiritual or
mystical meaning of their birth by meditating or attending church or
participating in retreats in the desert for only $800 per person per day, where
they can wallow in a mud puddle with other naked people… or they might even pay
a motivator thousands of dollars to guide them to a better understanding of
themselves… hopefully without dying in a sweat lodge in an Arizona desert. I might even start my own motivating business
if I could figure out a way to get people to pay me to chase them around the
block with a stick to motivate them into doing something. Also, I would need a
business license so I wouldn’t get arrested for assault.
Uncountable generations of people have hoped for something
better than just life since our first ancestors climbed out of the mire of
ignorance or the community mud puddle and started to think perhaps there was
something better than just living.
Maybe what we have is the best there is… Didn’t God create
the heavens and earth? Maybe
when we die we get to replay our earthly experiences over and over again in the
realm that God created. Look
around you, what you see could be your heaven… or your hell. We do have free will to live our lives
as we wish -- good or bad. Maybe we should strive to live everyday as if it were the
last… sooner or later it will be. What
will your inventory of life experience hold?
Those with
inflated egos might believe that their life has to have a mystical meaning.
They probably can’t or won’t grasp the thought that their parents just had sex,
which resulted in conception. Most
of us, me included, just don’t want to dwell upon that disturbing scenario.
advice…when your children, who believe they are the reason for the universe,
grow up, and they try to blame their neurosis on you, just tell them “Your
problems are due to a genetic disorder that you inherited from your birth
parents”… then walk away. That
bit of information will probably keep them occupied for a while, and they might
leave you alone, if that’s what you wish.
Even the government is increasingly trying to improve our
quality of life or maybe even attempting to define life by telling us what we
should or shouldn’t do… from who we should fall in love with (now resolved for
the most part except for the legalization of polygamy... the next civil rights case) to what we should eat or drink (still being debated).
If we were born sometime before 1950, the chances are, our
mothers drank and smoked while pregnant with us… most of us turned out
OK. Some of us even went on
to become productive citizens who put man on the moon, and discovered that
mothers who smoke and drink during pregnancy are potentially harming their
unborn children.
We improved society by inventing cable TV so the children
of the future wouldn’t be deprived of unlimited cartoon channels like we were…
we invented computers and video games so children also wouldn’t have to use
their own imaginations for entertainment purposes. We even created fruity breakfast
cereal without even having to use one bit of fruit! We invented fast-food and quickie-lube
places for our fast-paced lives and instant gratification. We even remodeled the old movie palace
with the seats covered in plush red velvet into the multi-plex theater complex today, where several shoe-boxed shaped black boxes offer several of Hollywood’s
latest releases and endless sequels of past hits, instead of the regular double feature.
We cemented in the dangerous creeks running through our
neighborhoods and turned them into storm drains to prevent flooding and to keep
children from drowning in their favorite swimming hole… they were becoming way
too polluted for fishing or swimming anyway. In their places we built huge water
parks with death defying slides with young lifeguards, earning the minimum
wage, hanging around talking to other young men or women and waiting to save a
child from drowning… all of this for only a nominal entrance fee.
After Vietnam we eliminated the draft so now there is
no need for junior to move out of Mom and Dad’s comfortable home and seek a
deferment from the draft by going to college… after all there are over 100
cable channels to choose from and a multitude of video games to play, and thanks
to our lawmakers junior can even stay on his parents health insurance policy
until he reaches 26-years of age. Jobs are also plentiful, if junior attended a four-year college. There are the water
park life guard openings, lube technicians, or at one of the fast food places on darn near any corner
of any city in the country, of course the minimum of a Bachelors degree would be required to compete for those entry level jobs. Life’s not so bad, is it?
Many find life so enjoyable they want to extend it for as
long as possible by only eating a healthy diet of uncooked fresh vegetables, fruit,
berries and nuts smushed up by an electric food processor into a smoothie, "no meat please!" Also no teeth needed to enjoy this modern meal... in addition it can be consumed at a clothing optional restaurant somewhere in the Bay Area of California.