Thursday, March 26, 2015

Avoid Sharia Law and Keep America Free

By Dan Barber

Another great reason to keep Church and State separate! Lawmakers should never use religion as a club to pound people into submission. Just as non-religious people should never pound religious people into supporting something they believe is a sin. Don't you think that Americans should avoid Sharia Law? Keep America free!

The halfway house Jackson is being released to is located in Washington D.C. That makes sense the name of the halfway house is titled: Congress!

Berghahl’s Defense, '...loyal soldier who repeatedly tried to escape his captors...' Why is the Los Angeles Times trying to portray Bergdahl as some sympathetic soldier? At a minimum, Bergdahl is guilty of trying to escape reality!  The reality is, he left his post in the face of the enemy, a violation of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), in short, he broke military law. The question the Article 32 investigation should determine is, did he leave his post to join the Taliban, did he leave his post to chase a butterfly or did he leave his post to quit the Army and head for home? The Obama administration should have determined Bergdahl's motive for violating the UCMJ before celebrating him as a national hero. The Los Angeles Times is portraying Bergdahl sympathetically to prop up just one more of Obama's false narratives (lie).

Monday, March 23, 2015

What I found in the news today

By Dan Barber

When I retired from the Navy as a journalist in 1989 I was able to land a leadership job at a Los Angeles weekly newspaper. I learned soon after starting there the publisher hired me not for my journalism skills, but because of her perceived notion of how I could use my military disciplinary skills to reign in her "free spirited staff." In that experience, I discovered that it would be easier to herd a bunch of cats into their bath. I did last for two years until they couldn’t afford to pay my salary anymore… but the publisher did offer to put me on as a contract employee…I declined before the terms were even discussed.

Is this an example of illusion or diffusion? Just change the title of "lobbyist" to "advocate" and all will be well in the Obama Administration's promise of transparency.

“Due to the deteriorating security situation in Yemen, the U.S. government has temporarily relocated its remaining personnel out of Yemen,” State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said in a statement." Maybe the U.S. Government can return when we have an administration with the courage and ability to conduct honest foreign policy in the Middle East. The primary reason the Middle East is being taken over by ISIS rests on the shoulders of an ineffective U.S. foreign policy.

I would really like to believe in someone, anyone to do the right thing for Americans. I don't believe that Hillary Clinton has America's best interests in mind in her attempt to represent us as the first female American president. Anyone who would go along with a lie (it was the insulting video) to explain the death of an American Ambassador and some of his security staff, in my opinion is GUILTY of perjury by taking an oath under false pretences to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. When investigators asked her to help them find the answers as to why or how it happened, she couldn't make the hearings because of a reported "serious" injury to her head in a fall at her home. When she recovered enough to testify she asked, "What difference does it make now?" Was the result of her head injury caused when she fell in the basement of her home trying to hide her internet server deeper in the closet so her private email account wouldn't be revealed to investigators? We will never know, I don't think she can be, trusted, to be honest.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Ripples of Life

By Dan Barber

Like small ripples in the sea turning into massive tsunamis, or the butterfly flapping its wings in the butterfly effect causing a huge future change in nature, there are ripples in life which can affect life itself.

When I set at my computer writing something very profound and thought provoking in politics or journalism and the phone rings it destroys my train of thought which in turn destroys my profound mutterings and sets me off into something that I really hate… being angry. There is nothing I can do to resolve that anger because it’s nobody's fault but my own…I am now an old man with very little patience for pretty much anything caused by undue stimulation to my aged brain or reflexes.

I try to be understanding, but I get many robo-calls with a recording message warning me that this is the last chance I will have of consolidating all of my credit card debt into one easy monthly payment. To apply for this important service I must press one to speak to a representative right now, or to opt out press two. I have screened my calls to avoid answering those robo-calls and pressing two never stops them. I try to screen my calls but these crooks steal someone else’s number to counter the call screening defense. With my brain on hold engaged in writer’s block, I look at the phone to see who's calling but I don’t recognize the number or have any clue as to who would be calling me from Virginia, Maryland or Florida as I don’t know anyone from those states. I answer the phone in case it’s something important, but it’s not it’s just another recorded message. So now I press one as prompted so I can have a live person to scream at for interrupting my thoughts because pressing number two doesn’t work in stopping the calls or calming my rage!

It does no good to call the number back on the caller ID screen because the owner of that number is also a victim of these telephone sales crooks. And, it does no good apparently to sign up on the government-run national “DO NOT CALL” website, or complain to the Federal Trade Commission or the Federal Communication Commission or to any government agency because to ban robo-callers would also affect politicians use of such calls in their effort to raise campaign cash.

I could probably unplug my house phone or turn off my cell phone, but then I would worry about missing an important call or a call from a family member, wanting to know what I’m doing even though I’ve repeatedly told everyone that I know that I don’t like to take calls between 7 and 10 each morning because that’s when I write, and to please not to bother me unless it’s an emergency. But, I don’t want to be RUDE after learning that the call is not a life or death emergency so I will speak to whoever is calling me and wanting to know what I’m doing.

After 10 every morning I am usually a very nice old man, who might even run books, lunch money or PE clothes to forgetful grandchildren at school, who can’t reach their mother because she is screening their calls or not answering her phone because she is busy working.

If every person in the world would just press one as prompted by the recorded message for the option to speak to a live person, and then scream profanities at that person for interrupting their day, then maybe the crooked telephone sales people would get the message and stop calling people.

It is now nearly noon, I forgot about what I was going write about earlier this morning so anyone who reads my blogs will now not be bored with my mutterings. I have reverted back into being an easy going grandpa, so give me a call… anytime after 10 a.m.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Let’s Get Serious

By Dan Barber

According to the First Amendment to the Constitution, "Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas." Political operatives should send out a blanket "Miranda warning" to every American citizen to be careful of what they say or think because if it doesn't agree with those in power, those words or thoughts will be held against them...especially if they work for the "wrong candidate."

It allows democracy to shine brightly, despite interference from a foreign outsider in a very small speck of a country located in a very violent region of the world. This will force the Obama administration to conduct honest foreign relations in the Middle East to support an American ally. Israel just called Obama's hand.

I'm pretty sure this post will insult someone, for that I'm sorry, but. Changing societal norms and overly sensitive and fragile people need to understand they have forced political correctness into overdrive. In my old age, elderly status, grandfatherly or whatever the politically correct title I am known by I am afraid to sound stupid, uninformed or mentally challenged when trying to address someone in a polite way. I am flattered when a young person addresses me as "Dude" because that indicates that they welcome me into their youthful world, but when a young person addressed me as "Hey" I explain to them that "hay" is the first stage of horse crap! How does a school address the caretaker of children? If they call someone "parent" wouldn't that offends the uncle or aunt, brother, sister or friend in charge of taking care of a child? If my opinion offends someone, with a grunt, I'm sorry.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

More “Guvment Guffaws” in the Washington Post

By Dan Barber

The following articles were all found in today’s online issue of the Washington Post! The newspaper’s journalists, bloggers, and columnists are doing a “bang up job” and deserve our never ending respect for such wonderful investigative reporting.

My goodness, I have been laughing so hard after reading these articles in the Washington Post my sides are aching! Who would have thought the government would have struggles with technology? And they want to regulate the internet?

Obama should have called him as soon as he saw the report on FOX News! I'll bet Hillary sent him the email notice from her personal account, but I doubt we will ever know for sure!

Here is all the proof we need that we are having climate change... see it's raining! I swear, don't you feel the drops? Where is a Marine with an umbrella when you need one?

I knew it! During my 20 year career in the Navy I was constantly buying new uniform styles because I was convinced some knucklehead in Washington DC was constantly tinkering with the uniform styles to make rich people in the Uniform manufacturing trades richer... we went from the old fashioned Dixie cup hat and crackerjack uniforms to the "Taxicab" hat with coat and tie uniforms back to the Dixie cup hat and crackerjack uniform... even the female Sailors get to wear the crackerjack uniform now. What is really SPECIAL is the “cammies” the Navy came up with "blueberry" speckles so it will make it harder to spot an overboard Sailor! According to the Washington Post the PROOF HAS BEEN CITED, “The administration announced that the federal government is joining with the private sector to direct nearly $500 million toward manufacturing-focused initiatives, including a new, textiles-focused manufacturing institute competition led by the Department of Defense.”

Wait... I'm confused Obama took an action because Bush did it first? Or Obama agreed with an action that Bush took because it made sense to keep the actions of the Administrative office of the White House free of public scrutiny? It seems that the pressure of the office is too much for a Community Organizer to keep track of his organization.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hidden Agendas to Maintain Control of Americans

By Dan Barber

Do we really want a President who has been isolated from real Americans for most of her adult life? According to this Washington Post column, Clinton hides behind high walls and is paranoid of public scrutiny. Clinton wants us to trust her because she knows best, but how can we really know that when no one, not even the Washington Post, can have unfettered access to the public records of this public employee.

There was a time in our history that required unions to protect the interests of workers. Industrialists hired thugs to wield the clubs against union organizers so they could keep low paid and abused employees in line. At the time, the U.S. government, correctly, stepped in to back the unions against the evil industrialists. Now we see unions with the backing of Democratic National Committee support, both literally and figuratively, also bashing workers to keep them in line with Democratic ideology. Many Americans now see the Unions as a Democratic voting block that requires workers pay dues to support union bosses and DNC politicians.

This non-story is an example of how a newspaper is fast losing credibility with readers. Ed O’Keefe, the author of this piece has been assigned to cover Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio's Presidential campaign. I believe that O'Keefe is losing his focus on objective reporting by allowing Democratic National Committee operatives to pull his strings.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Funny Lines in today’s News

By Dan Barber

Maybe this headline is correct today... but things are starting to look up for O'Malley.

When you put all of your money on a slow horse... you're going to lose. An old children's folk song comes to mind., "The old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be."

"Network Authority faces challenges in planning for long-term funding and in internal controls to ensure that it operates with high ethics standards." Hopefully, ethical standards will lead on this government website.

A warning to politicians... When the Pope starts discussing money in politics you know that you will eventually have "hell to pay!"

Hillary is asking, "How are your records archived to meet the public records act?" Not.

That deer in the headlights look... Clinton just learned, from the news media, that she is in trouble! A sociopath or politician never believe what they are doing is wrong, until they get caught.

"...I could sit with her on a park bench and watch 20-year-olds go by in the first bloom of their youth..." A quote by Bill Clinton. With what we know now about a lecherous Bill Clinton, that is a disturbing vision.

I'm looking forward to the day when the Washington Post changes its Pinocchio Test logo to an Obama Test logo...PERIOD!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

More “Funny” Political Headlines

By Dan Barber

Obama figured he better try to put out the fires caused by his lack of leadership. I am confused, is he leading from behind or is the “behind” trying to lead. Veterans are still not his priority as evidenced by a previous snub and this real reason for the West Coast visit, according to the White House press office, "This time, Obama is visiting after a stop at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser and an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show in Los Angeles." The secret service should make sure all local golf courses are free of paparazzi to prevent further embarrassment to our President.

My goodness, is Clinton admitting that she isn't very smart? “Looking back, it would have been better for me to use two separate phones and two e-mail accounts,” Clinton said. “I thought using one device would be simpler, and obviously, it hasn’t worked out that way.” Perhaps she should have checked with other Obama administration cabinet members on how to use an alias email address to hide communications. Even failed bank robbers look back and say, "It might have been smarter to wear a better disguise."

The Obama administration's supporters and pundits must be exhausted in their attempt to defend a promised, "most transparent administration in history," that has turned out to be as clear as mud. Even our President does not know what is going on until he reads about it in the news!

Even a very small minority can move the majority if they have a very shrill and loud message, a ticked off infant screaming in the middle of the night comes to mind.

It is payback time for the IRS thanks to Lois Lerner’s “lost emails” or Hillary's use of her exclusive personal emails.

When Hillary comes out of the “server” closet, it's not what you'd think. It's likely because she is hiding evidence.

Now I understand why Bill Clinton is attracted to Hillary... she is a magnet for women and girls to his cause. I wonder if the real reason for Clinton’s private computer server in their home was to keep Bill’s internet searches private?

Whaaaat? One benefit of legalizing marijuana for recreational use will be a major decline in the recent Glaucoma epidemic.

You think? But as long as they are voting for the appropriate party (Democrats) it's probably OK.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Today’s #Funnies in the Washington Post

If we can’t laugh the only other option is to cry.

By Dan Barber

It is payback time for the IRS thanks to Lois Lerner and Hillary's use of her exclusive personal emails.

When Hillary comes out of the closet, it's not what you'd think. It's likely because she is hiding evidence.

Now I understand why Bill Clinton is attracted to Hillary... she is a magnet for women and girls to his cause.

Whaaaat? One benefit of legalizing marijuana for recreational use will be a major decline in the recent Glaucoma epidemic.

You think? But as long as they are voting for the appropriate party (Democrats) it's probably OK.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hello, is anyone home?

By Dan Barber

Ignorance and avoidance of the rules are both no excuse for this breach of the rules. All government employees, including the Secretary of State, are required to maintain ALL correspondence generated from official duties. Apparently Clinton is avoiding compliance with the law for nefarious reasons or is too ignorant to comply with federal rules. In either case this shows that maybe she should retire from politics and become a full-time grandmother.

This indicates that perhaps the Obama administration knew from the get go that they were NOT going to be  a transparent administration the President promised Americans. This also indicates that our President and Secretary of State Clinton are either rank amateurs or serious criminals. This kind of behavior puts our country at risk, especially when our enemies can access our government leader’s digital communications through "hacking."

Of course, this program is a make believe dark drama. It is very scary, entertaining, and thought-provoking. Liberal media (Washington Post) uses a negative in describing it as addictive. Liberals probably don't like the fact that most of the political villains are Democrats. Frank Underwood gained the Presidency as a Democrat through dirty tricks and even murder. For the most part, Hollywood liberals have mostly painted their political villains as Republicans.