Sunday, July 13, 2014

Not back by popular demand

By Dan Barber

OK… at the request of my one fan, here is another attempt to share my life’s adventure as a retiree.

To add some dimension to this request, my one fan is my soon-to-be 20 year old granddaughter who received honors in her senior year of high school for her creative writing skills. She is and always will be a perfectionist. Her high school English teacher, recognizing this trait, thought it clever to assign her the task of writing a 500 word essay on the proper use of the pencil eraser. She completed the assignment with the expected perfect letter grade of A+.

I am slowing down more everyday by finding it more difficult to maintain a train of thought through the completion of an error-free project. I spend way too much time searching through the dictionary for the proper spelling of many words I used to type faster then I could pronounce them. I just recently found out that I could highlight a word and my smart computer might look up the spelling for me or give me an alternate word to use through its thesaurus.

Sometimes I might go back and read something I had written and don’t remember writing what I obviously wrote or know why I wrote what I did, or what in the world did I mean with the abstract jumble of words.

I wake each morning at 8 a.m., take my meds, jump or gingerly step into the shower.  I then must complete my morning routine by drinking a cup of coffee while reading various on-line news publications so I can keep up on current events. Just a couple of years ago I could scan several national, regional and local news sources and be done by 9 a.m., not so anymore I don’t get this routine done now until nearly noon with my once hot cup of coffee now cold.

Some might ask why I put myself through this trouble each day. If I don’t do it I feel out of sorts for the rest of the day. I do get a lot of enjoyment out of critiquing the stupidity of our politicians, political pundits, journalists and columnists. I’m sure that my wife is very concerned about my behavior… sometimes she will come into my den to ask why I’m laughing at, or cussing the computer. If I’m pecking away at the keyboard, she will quietly retreat down the hallway because she knows that I’m busy posting what I think is a clever response to something I read.

I’m quite sure that my twisted insight will have no effect on the nature or outcome of our political well being, but it still gives me purpose to get up every morning and to try to do something productive. Most of the time I don’t get any response to my social media or newspaper message board postings, but the one or two likes I might get lets me know that someone is reading my ravings. I really get a kick out of the times when someone starts insulting me instead of trying to debate my critique, because that tells me that my point was dead on.

I share this bit of information only to explain my absence from my Saturday Morning Post for the past month and a half. I just ask that nobody should feel sorry for me getting old and slowing down, because I certainly don’t… I am having a good time being a crotchety old man with an opinion of my own… if you would like to view those opinions, please follow me on Face Book.