Monday, April 20, 2015

Living Life in Small Doses

By Dan Barber

When young, I felt I was immortal with unlimited potential… I had no idea what I would do with that potential, but I felt that I had plenty of time to discover what was to become of me. I was lucky, I had parents who gave me the confidence and supervised space to explore my potential. 
Many people have the maturity to grasp what they want in a career at a young age, just today, I heard my 4-year-old Grandson state that he wants to be a conductor when he grows up… not to be a conductor on a train, but the conductor of an orchestra so he can wave a “stick” and make music. My grandson is also lucky because he has two parents who will, I’m sure, will give him the confidence and supervised space to allow him to explore his potential. Next week his favorite cartoon monkey may demonstrate a different career path for my 4-year old muse to take, but whatever it is, his parents will be there to help guide him.

I was afraid to commit myself to any single pursuit right out of high school. I didn’t want to risk wasting my parents money for college because I wasn't ready to attend or to settle on a life-long career doing a job that I was afraid I would come to hate. But, the fact is, I had choices that many young people don't have today because they don't have an understanding or a loving and supportive base.
At the time, I had no idea what naivete meant, or the fact that I was full of it!  However, I am still confident that I have some immortality, long after my body has turned to dust, I will live on in my children and grandchildren's memories because of the lessons I have passed to them from the lessons my parents and grandparents gave me.

It breaks my heart and sometimes even my spirit when I see young people being destroyed from the actions of their parents. As long as there are parents who abandon their children our country along with those youngsters will suffer to the very fiber of our existence from that action.

Sure there will be some who can’t provide monetary support to their children for reasons out of their control, but that doesn't mean they can’t be part of those children’s lives.

Those parents who have totally and willfully abandoned their children deserve to lose their freedom and all rights guaranteed under our Constitution.  One liberal newspaper, The New York Times seems to feel that abandoning children resulting in the legal consequences to deadbeat or unfit parents is too harsh. Click on the below link to access that story:

Skip Child Support. Go to Jail. Lose Job. Repeat.

Typical nonsense from a liberal newspaper... What about the children?

Yes, when states have to pay to take care of children they will attempt to collect those payments from the parents rather than require taxpayers to pay the bills. Being a parent is a huge responsibility and if done right can be the source of a lifetime filled with love and pride. If parenting is done wrong it can be the source of a lifetime filled with guilt and shame.

The basic support a child requires is the need for love and encouragement. There are poor people, even homeless people, who are very successful at loving and encouraging their children.

The probable root cause of inner-city poverty and crime is caused by unfit parents who abandon their children which create non-supported feral children who turn to each other for territorial acceptance and support out of a need for survival because they are forced into a world where survival of the fittest (toughest) becomes the very rule for life. Their role model is not the absent parent but, the toughest, strongest or scariest thug in the "hood."

Acceptance of abortion as a form of birth control for liberals, is appropriate, but forced sterilization for unfit parents is not.

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