By Dan Barber
DEA agents had the fun, now boss pays the price
2008-2016 -- The age of "Of No leadership". Someone has to be in charge of the lunatic asylum or the lunatics will have free rein to run unchecked in the asylum. America is now being flooded with illegal immigration with the progressives blessing; the Middle East is on fire with the progressives deflection of blame on the Bush administration; an extreme Islamic country, run with Sharia law that religiously prays for the demise of America and Israel is developing nuclear "energy," but American progressives tell the world "don't worry we have things under control;" California's progressives have allowed the state to become over-developed despite a lack of natural resources (available open space, clean air and water); progressives have spent our great-great-great grandchildren into debt, but progressives say don't worry about that; progressives pound the message through the media that Christians are bad, Muslims are good; Now we learn that some sworn agents working in the Drug Enforcement Agency are having sex with prostitutes who work for major Drug Cartels and their DEA "boss" has no idea how to take action to stop that ILLEGAL behavior? Perhaps the current batch of lunatic leaders should pay a price.
Obama compromise with Congress on Iran deal signals shift in approach
Where has this reporter had his head stuck? Or is the headline writer at the Los Angeles Time still trying to carry water for Obama? The president has demonstrated over the past 6 years that he is incapable of "compromise" with anyone. The Foreign Relations Committee in Congress, which includes democrats, called his repeated veto bluff with a unanimous vote indicating that there are enough votes to override his veto threat.
Ex-Marine indicted in murder of Orange County woman in Panama
Note: Before Former Marines start bashing me, I didn’t write this heading
Los Angeles Times and Tony Perry, I have some questions regarding this article. . What does this horrendous crime allegedly committed by Brian Karl Brimager have to do with him being an “ex” or former Marine? Did the crime occur while he was on active duty with the U.S. Marine Corps? Was he an AWOL Marine when arrested? Was Brimager suffering from PTSD from his Marine Corps experience causing him to commit this crime? Or do you feel the U.S. Marine Corps connection important enough to your paper and reporter to warn your readers to be wary of veterans? Perhaps you should be careful in identifying a suspect with such specificity in future articles... you know such as a religion nut, zealous nationalist, ethnic (fill in the blank) slang, gender or some derogatory term for someone who has a different sexual orientation. At best you might be mistaken as a publication that employs illiterate writers or at worse bigoted bloggers.
Who Reported on Hillary’s Chipotle Visit, and How?
I always wanted to be a writer. My father explained to me once while trying to get away with some teenaged transgression that you can go to hell for lying just the same as you can for stealing...writing lies to promote Clinton as a viable Presidential Candidate and then being paid for that job marks off two things a person can go to hell for.
Teen use of e-cigarettes continues to soar, alarming many experts
Pay attention, big tobacco companies have not been defeated; they've just changed marketing strategies with a revamped method of nicotine delivery by borrowing from the illicit drug trade by offering pretty "tobacco crack pipes."
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