Monday, April 27, 2015

The mark of evil is celebrated

By Dan Barber

Graffiti artists' move to national parks shocks nature community

I welcome all people to my desert to share the magnificence of it all. But I have no tolerance for those slime buckets who believe they are special and feel a perverted need to egotistically scar it with their own pervert mark. I suggest we post a sign at all entrances to the Joshua Tree National Park with a large photograph of Saraiva asking people if they see this pervert to contact authorities immediately. He is known to frequent Paris and New York and other trendy vacation spots around the world to perform his perversion for all to see. When he gets tackled by authorities, the rest of humanity can call it PERFORMANCE ART. That might send a message to other Graffiti artist perverts wishing to leave their pervert mark on the desert landscape.

In a country where the leader gets 96 percent of the vote, what’s next?

The Washington Post's attempt to smooth over the corruption of Clinton will probably work its "smoke and mirrors" magic with ignorant Clinton supporters and voters. Not one word in the story about Bill Clinton, deal maker, arranging for one of his cronies to make a deal with Kazakhstan's leader to take control of its uranium mining. According to the article, this wildly popular dictator of a majority Muslim country, "Nazarbayev has spoken of a need to make economic reforms that would move the country away from its dependence on mineral resources and cut down on endemic corruption. Democratic reforms eventually would follow, he has said." What about America's need for economic reforms, needs for strategically important mineral resources, needs of Democratic reforms and endemic corruption? This is a portrait of a corrupt socialist puppet nation where everybody dresses the same and does what they are told by their "beloved" leader.

The rich really do get richer

Technology companies get richer because they prey upon the insecurities of people, and the people’s need to fiddle with new technology.

I worry about any new technology, not because I’m old and afraid, it’s because I was recently no longer able to find cassette tapes for my tape recorder. I had to spend nearly a $100 bucks for a “digital” tape recorder! I’m pretty sure the technology of those “digital” tape recorders will have advanced enough in a couple of months where I can buy that same recorder for about $20.

I can’t bring myself to throw out the old recorder… it’s still good if I can just find some blank cassette tapes at a garage sale one day.

I recall when it cost over $500 for a VCR player. Now I can find a “Blue Ray 3-D” video player for about $50… videos went from Beta to VCR to DVD to Blue Ray to someplace in the clouds that I can now download to my smartphone, which, by the way, is too dang small for me to watch a movie on! I still buy DVDs when I’m allowed because my wife wants the more expensive Blue Ray High Definition. According to her and the movie studios it provides a better picture. I try to explain to my wife that neither one of us have good enough eyesight to tell the difference between a regular DVD and Blue Ray. The latest rage is a “smart digital wrist watch” which will not encourage children today to learn how to tell time! Now the challenge for teachers will be to keep the children from looking up the answers to the quiz on their smart watches instead of how many minutes until recess.

I have made predictions in the past that have come to pass about some smart kid up in Silicon Valley inventing a new doodad that his marketing buddies will convince the public that they just have to have. So many people will camp out on a hard cold sidewalk for a week so they can be the first among their friends to own the new doodad that will be obsolete in just a very short period of time.

Turning on the wireless surround sound while watching a movie on my large smart flat screen TV is sometimes a mistake for a technophobic old man.  It sometimes causes me to jump up during a movie to see who in the hell is messing around out in my front yard… it also causes the dog to start barking!

My granddaughter thinks it would be a hilarious prank to buy one of those “clap on clap off” devices she could hook up to my TV while I’m watching football or baseball, which, of course, when I started clapping an excellent play my smart TV would mysteriously start going off and on!

Even if I wanted to invest in technology stock I couldn’t afford it because I have spent too much money on too much technology to make my life so much easier!

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