By Dan Barber
This happened because it fit the "Rolling
Stone" magazine's need to perform social engineering on a societal
function they felt needed to be changed. However, the facts did not support
them. Now what needs to be done is not allow the responsible people to keep the
jobs they held at the magazine. Perhaps they can find work with a PR firm or
with a political campaign where it is appropriate to "spin" the
Absence from the Senate worked for the current President.
Obama didn't even serve a full-term as a "freshman Senator." When
running a story attempting to shine a negative light on a politician perhaps
the Washington Post should tell the entire story to prevent showing their bias.
Welcome to Obama's world where poor people are used as a
political voting block asset. Using common sense all that has to be done is
notice where the fast-food restaurants are mostly located... in high-density
population centers where most of the democratic base and poor people live. As a
bonus, the Obama administration can use fast-food jobs to boost the nation's
employment numbers and bash the providers of those jobs as evil for making
their workers take government handouts because they don't pay enough of a
living wage. If you don't believe me just take a look at the
"red-blue" political map of America .
Many years ago I interviewed a very old engineer/farmer who
was really smart and very wary of the environment. At the time, I interviewed
him he was working on wind turbine technology to create electrical power and
other natural agricultural technology to better produce food. He also invented
machines that could harvest avocados from very steep slopes which turned
previous hilly land in Northern
San Diego County
into avocado farming land. He told me the future of food production would make
soybeans and nuts an important replacement food for meat. According to what
I've read in this article, perhaps environmentally minded politicians should be
removed from the equation and replace them with environmentally minded
farmer/engineers when it comes to managing our water districts.
This is a good thing. From my experience, while working as a
Public Affairs Officer in a military hospital taught me that healthcare
providers, for the most part, are caring people. But, they can sometimes lose
the personal connection with patients they are caring for, whether that loss of
connection is caused by medical technology, being busy or the need to minimize
a personal connection to an ill or injured fellow human. I also experienced
being ignored as a patient in a military hospital. I was once a patient at the Naval Hospital
in Oakland , CA . I was hooked up to numerous monitoring
devices, pain meds and had a chest tube keeping my lung inflated when I asked a
Corpsman if I could have a cup of coffee, he told me to get up and get it
myself... I disconnected the monitoring devices, hung the chest tube drain on
the IV pole that pumped meds into me and walked to the ward kitchen for a cup
of coffee. A Navy nurse told me to get back to my bed. I was pissed off so I
refused... and spent the next 2 weeks there sitting in an easy chair. Thanks to
the Corpsman, who made me get my own coffee, I discovered that the chair was
more comfortable in my condition then the bed and I could take care of myself.
Now this makes sense...think small for a small minded
person. Managing Clinton 's
image has become very challenging for even experienced campaign managers. She
is not a very convincing liar, plus she keeps getting caught in lies.
"What difference does it make now" that she earned a cool $100,000 on
an initial $1,000 investment in cattle futures? Remember when she lost her job
for withholding evidence in the investigation of Nixon in the Watergate
scandal. Lying about Whitewater investments in Arkansas , lying about being shot at by
snipers, lying about a video causing the murder of an American ambassador by
terrorists. Is it any wonder that she isn't very believable when she claimed a
serious head injury to postpone her testimony to Congressional about Benghazi,
or keeping a private email server in a closet at her home. Remember the files
regarding Whitewater investigation that independent investigator Ken Starr
requested that were eventually found in a White House closet at the end of her
husband's Presidency. I wonder what else is hidden in Clinton 's closet?
Wow, nary a mention of Clinton 's
fundraising until close to the end of this biased article. Also, no mention in
the article about Hillary's foreign contributors to the "Clinton
Foundation" (charity). When Helper wrote about the Bush fundraising push
in California he failed to mention Obama's
many golf/fundraising trips to California
just in the past few months... on the taxpayers dime. Talk about the charade
coming to an end it's apparent to readers where the Los Angeles Times positions
itself, on the left side of political spectrum.
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